If your allergies act up in late summer, don’t blame goldenrod.
Category: Home and Garden
Blue spruce in decline may need more maintenance
I have a large blue spruce tree in front of my home. It is taller than my two-story home, and when I moved in eight years ago, it was a beautiful tree with only a few dying branches on the bottom 2 feet. This year, the dead branches extend up more than 6 feet. I’m […]
Make your garden a friendly rest stop for migrating birds
More than 200 species of birds fly through the Chicago area every autumn, following Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River south for the winter.
Go native in your garden
Late summer is a great time of year to look for native prairie plants that might bring beauty and wildlife habitat to your garden.
Eradicating grassy weeds takes patience and persistence
Grassy weeds are difficult to eradicate once they get established.
Here’s permission to be a lazy gardener as summer wanes
By the time August comes with its heat and humidity, many gardeners are ready for a break and so are many plants. “The growing season is starting to wind down,” said Sharon Yiesla, plant knowledge specialist in the Plant Clinic at The Morton Arboretum in Lisle. “You still need to do some things for your […]
Don’t let yellowjackets be a buzzkill in your yard
It certainly is annoying to battle yellow jackets as you are eating in your yard this season.
Not all honeysuckle plants are invasive
Their scent may be as sweet as honey, but for many gardeners, honeysuckles have a bad name.
Is it OK to plant in containers during summer?
Plants grown in containers will need more frequent, light watering to get established.
Seven son will bring eyes to your garden
If you’re looking for a plant that will make your garden stand out, consider the seven-son flower, an unusual shrub that makes a splash twice each year.