Pleasure could come with complications today. As the optimistic Libra Moon fusses at gloomy Saturn, every good idea could rapidly turn out to have something wrong with it. Still, when desirous Venus then misreads exuberant Jupiter at 1:08 pm EST, trying to pursue too many appealing activities might result in enjoying none of them fully. While Luna goes on to trine Jupiter and square Venus, the most rewarding choice may not be the one we expected — leaving room for spontaneity is essential!
Category: Horoscopes
Daily Horoscope for November 25, 2024
Matters of the mind are likely to be frustrating at present. When the nervous Virgo Moon opposes nebulous Neptune, we may believe that having more information would increase our emotional security. Luna then shifts into social Libra and trines profound Pluto, so answers could be available if we have the patience to ask around. Even so, as intellectual Mercury turns retrograde at 9:42 pm EST, it probably won’t be a quick or easy process. In the meantime, we might try listening to our intuition.
Daily Horoscope for November 24, 2024
Overthinking things might be impossible to resist at the moment. As the neurotic Virgo Moon tangles with grandiose Jupiter and touchy Chiron, we probably shouldn’t take any dramatic statements we hear at face value — there’s a good chance that they’re covering up wounded egos. Still, as Luna squares brainy Mercury at 3:10 pm EST, falling down a rabbit hole of analysis isn’t healthy either. Once the Moon goes on to trine unencumbered Uranus, letting petty slights go should be a big relief!
Daily Horoscope for November 23, 2024
We might not get everything we want today, but we’ll probably get whatever we truly need. When the nervous Virgo Moon opposes limit-conscious Saturn at 7:24 pm EST, we’ll potentially tell ourselves no before anyone else has a chance to do so. Of course, that’s not always a problem. Releasing ideas that aren’t quite right can free up space for better plans to emerge as Luna goes on to trine idealistic Venus. A little pruning every so often is a healthy part of the process!
Daily Horoscope for November 22, 2024
Our current search for stability may be fruitful — to a point. The lively Leo Moon collaborates with logical Mercury, empowering us to think and converse freely. When harmonious Venus sextiles practical Saturn at 6:55 am EST, we’ll be in the mood to pin down plans that will work for a long time. Once Luna goes on to square chaotic Uranus, however, we’ll likely encounter surprises we didn’t see coming. After the Moon passes into careful Virgo, we can reflect on what we’ve learned.
Daily Horoscope for November 21, 2024
Anchoring our curiosity to something substantial should let us get the most out of it today. The upbeat Sun moves into adventurous Sagittarius at 2:56 pm EST, encouraging us to roam far and wide. If we settle on a specific subject to explore in depth, we can make serious progress as the Sun sextiles insightful Pluto. The passionate Leo Moon sextiles buoyant Jupiter and trines wise Chiron, boosting our capacity to find personal meaning in what we’re learning. We can even have fun with it too!
Daily Horoscope for November 20, 2024
Big egos are likely to win the day. The emotional Moon enters melodramatic Leo at 8:51 am EST and opposes inflexible Pluto in logical Aquarius shortly thereafter, setting up a tug-of-war between feelings and facts. Both hold important pieces of the puzzle. Even so, as Luna goes on to conjoin bossy Mars, we may push and shove to get our way instead of hearing others out. Letting things unfold from there might turn out to be more instructive than any lecture could have been.
Daily Horoscope for November 19, 2024
Understanding this present moment is key to maximizing its benefits. Insightful Mercury trines wise Chiron, expanding our vision to include the bigger picture. Our findings won’t necessarily protect our sensitivities as the watery Cancer Moon squares Chiron. Plus, one set of challenges will probably be replaced by another when regenerative Pluto makes its final pass this cycle from grounded Capricorn into intellectual Aquarius at 3:29 pm EST. As the concluding era’s struggles lose their charge, we can, at minimum, try to identify what we’ve learned.
Daily Horoscope for November 15, 2024
We’re likely to receive the information we need to make wise decisions at the moment. Discerning Saturn turns direct in spacey Pisces, helping us sort fact from fiction. The eye-opening Full Moon in grounded Taurus then strikes at 4:28 pm EST, potentially revealing that answers we’ve long sought were right in front of us the whole time. Luna goes on to conjoin innovative Uranus and sextile idealistic Neptune, so we’re probably dealing with big-picture issues. We should savor this opportunity to exercise our mental muscles.
Daily Horoscope for November 14, 2024
Our desire to present a polished image might conflict with our natural passionate expression at the moment. The primal Moon moves into earthy Taurus, grounding us in the physical realm. When uptight Venus recoils from animalistic Mars at 3:02 am EST, however, we’ll likely want some limits. Luna goes on to square Mars and trine Venus, trying to moderate between these competing longings. Whatever feels easy is what we should go for — we shouldn’t push ourselves to embody one extreme or the other.