Daily Horoscope for February 12, 2025

Passions could be running high at present. The tense Full Moon in Leo at 8:53 am EST is likely to show us where we’ve been suppressing our valid individual needs in order to do what seems best for some larger group. If these arrangements aren’t sustainable, they ultimately won’t work out! The Moon also opposes articulate Mercury, opening our minds to talk through all the issues involved. After Luna shifts into practical Virgo, we’ll potentially come up with a few realistic solutions.

Daily Horoscope for February 11, 2025

Maintaining a baseline good mood should let us make the most of any unexpected events today. The fun-loving Leo Moon sextiles lucky Jupiter, setting a positive tone. The vital Sun then squares unpredictable Uranus at 2:30 pm EST, shaking us out of our humdrum routines. We are likely to enjoy at least a few of the disruptions — still, it’s okay to admit that sometimes we find them bothersome, particularly as the Moon conflicts with melancholy Saturn. Being creatures of habit is totally normal!

Daily Horoscope for February 10, 2025

Drama could erupt without warning. The volatile Moon enters passionate Leo, looking for provocations. Sure enough, when scattered Mercury squares chaotic Uranus at 2:28 pm EST, things to fight about may come out of left field. Power struggles are likely to become apparent as the Moon goes on to oppose domineering Pluto. Any tension we’ll encounter has probably been simmering for a long time, so we shouldn’t get stuck on the details of whatever odd incident finally brought it to the surface.

Daily Horoscope for February 09, 2025

Inspiration will flow freely today. As the lively Sun meets brainy Mercury in intellectual Aquarius at 7:08 am EST, our mental capabilities may be supercharged to the point that the barrage of ideas becomes exhausting. Active Mars then trines structured Saturn, motivating us to take productive action regarding any updated or brand-new plans. When the sensitive Cancer Moon conjoins Mars, however, it might be necessary to pause long enough to hear out any bruised feelings — sometimes they alert us to valid problems!

Daily Horoscope for February 08, 2025

Gaining perspective on our wounds is possible now. The vital Sun in logical Aquarius sextiles tender Chiron in primal Aries at 1:22 am EST, shining a spotlight on whatever’s been holding us back. As the emotional Moon shifts into sensitive Cancer, we might need to feel our pain to heal it. Nonetheless, as intellectual Mercury also sextiles Chiron, thinking through our problems can plausibly further our understanding of why upsetting events unfolded the way they did. Finding meaning and purpose should be comforting!

Daily Horoscope for February 07, 2025

Logic and feelings could be at odds throughout the day. The compulsively rational Aquarius Sun forms a frustrating quincunx with touchy Mars in Cancer, inciting us to lock horns. As relationship planet Venus sextiles rooted Pluto at 7:14 am EST, embracing individual freedom can actually give us helpful perspective on our alliances — if we’re in the mood for it. Brainy Mercury then provokes physical Mars as well, giving our passions another opportunity to lead us astray. Perhaps they’re a necessary part of life.

Daily Horoscope for February 06, 2025

Taking thoughtful risks has genuine potential to pay off. The observant Moon enters clever Gemini at 1:44 am EST, drawing our attention toward the creative possibilities around us. Luna goes on to trine insightful Pluto, so even an idea that seems goofy could potentially have valid points backing it up. The Moon then teams up with confident Jupiter, goading us to just go for it! There’s nothing wrong with occasionally pausing to reflect on our efforts, but expanding our horizons should ultimately be worthwhile.

Daily Horoscope for February 05, 2025

Our attachments have the potential to be shaken today. As the rooted Taurus Moon tangles with the ambitious Aquarius Sun, we might reject a big idea that takes us too far away from whatever we find comfortable. The Moon goes on to sextile determined Mars, giving us energy to continue along our chosen paths. Once Luna conjoins groundbreaking Uranus at 2:10 pm EST, maybe we’ll realize that change is unavoidable. It’s probably for our highest good, but we don’t have to love it yet.

Daily Horoscope for February 04, 2025

Breaking out of a rut could now be unavoidable. Relationship planet Venus bursts into independent Aries at 2:57 am EST, drawing our awareness toward our individual needs. Although this might shake up some of our alliances, maybe we’ll ultimately be better off because of those confrontations. Buoyant Jupiter then stations direct and starts to move forward, increasing our confidence. The array of possibilities suddenly before us may seem overwhelming at first, but we can take our time before we commit to anything.

Daily Horoscope for February 03, 2025

The best of intentions could run into snags today. Clever Mercury trines optimistic Jupiter, giving us confidence that our brainstorms will succeed. When assertive Mars clashes with touchy Chiron at 9:44 pm EST, in contrast, it may seem like we can’t do anything without stepping on a few toes. Hurt feelings aren’t necessarily the whole story, but they probably deserve to be heard out. Once the Moon shifts into stubborn Taurus, the rapid-fire flow of inspiration might slow down enough to make that possible.