It’s time to loosen up. The sensitive Moon harmonizes with joyful Jupiter, encouraging us to create, socialize, and enjoy a little extra luck. When balanced Venus moves into creative Pisces at 10:24 pm EST, we may notice ourselves becoming more open and free in our connections with others — plus, more compassion and creativity can shine through overall. That said, Luna does square unpredictable Uranus, which might cause unforeseen issues to hamper our optimistic spirits. Go with the flow, don’t fight the current!
Category: Horoscopes
Daily Horoscope for January 01, 2025
Tempers may flare! The emotional Moon moves into innovative Aquarius, opening us up to supporting humanitarian causes and broadening our horizons. When the Moon conjoins chaotic Pluto at 7:45 am EST, it might reveal our more obsessive or chaotic sides. Our efforts to help can go too far, risking exhaustion or even the creation of new problems. Later, the Moon faces off with fiery Mars, adding fuel to the fire and creating shorter tempers in all of us. Staying cool is the key to success.
Daily Horoscope for December 31, 2024
Thought and action are both required for us to reach a happier future. The Moon in Capricorn is encouraging a little last-minute hard work as it sextiles Saturn. Our efforts should pay off wonderfully as Mercury trines Chiron at 2:41 am EST, helping us face our fears and release them before the year comes to a close. The Moon will then square Chiron, hitting the nail on the head, before trining Uranus, ending 2024 with one final shakeup — albeit a fun one.
Daily Horoscope for December 30, 2024
We can accomplish more than we realize. The Moon is moving steadily through competent Capricorn, and it will stir up our desire for action when it forms a quincunx to Mars in Leo. The stars set the stage for an elite New Moon in Capricorn at 5:27 pm EST, giving us all a major boost to chase after our ambitions and work toward our goals. The evening continues briskly with another lunar quincunx, this time to excitable Jupiter, ensuring we’ve got the energy we need.
Daily Horoscope for December 29, 2024
When we do the work, we can achieve visible results. The Moon in Sagittarius begins with a trine to Chiron. This activates Chiron’s healing potential before it turns direct at 4:13 pm EST, stabilizing our paths toward soothing catharsis and emotional progress. The Moon will then square off Neptune, which does risk inciting a bit of confusion. Even so, things should begin to clear up when Luna slides into Capricorn, where it will be operating for the next couple of days.
Daily Horoscope for December 28, 2024
The planets are encouraging us all to spin the wheel and take a chance. Aesthetic Venus is making a rare yet powerful square to rebel Uranus at 2:42 am EST, giving us all the urge to throw caution to the wind and see what rewards we can rake in when we bet on ourselves. The Moon will then oppose Jupiter before squaring Saturn, further amping up our ambitions. When Luna finally conjoins Mercury, we’ll be able to grasp our long-term aims with clarity.
Daily Horoscope for December 27, 2024
There’s a cosmic traffic jam overhead. Mercury is cruising through outgoing Sagittarius, but it’s also locking into a tough square with icy Saturn in slippery Pisces at 2:29 am EST. This may force us to spin our wheels while we wait for better conditions. The Moon in Scorpio will oppose change-maker Uranus in Taurus before entering Sagittarius, making slowness extra unappealing. Luckily, the lunar trine to Mars in Leo gives us a chance to ferret out the most productive and positive way forward.
Daily Horoscope for December 26, 2024
No idea is too grand or farfetched — at least, it seems that way at first. The Moon is in Scorpio, where it will quincunx Jupiter before trining Saturn, identifying the middle ground between enthusiasm and efficiency. The Moon will also muddle things with Chiron, over-sensitizing everyone. Don’t worry! We can come up with fabulous solutions when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini at 5:48 pm EST. That being said, we must remember to make these solutions realistic, or they won’t pan out.
Daily Horoscope for December 25, 2024
An undeniable intensity shades today’s skies with aggression. The Sun in no-nonsense Capricorn is making an unusual quincunx to Mars in Leo, so it may be tempting to push against expectations and play the rebel without a cause. The Moon will enter secretive Scorpio at 3:06 am EST before forming a pair of difficult back-to-back squares, first to power-player Pluto in Aquarius, then to Mars. Tempers can flare at the least provocation — ouch! Confrontation isn’t likely to lead to a positive outcome.
Daily Horoscope for December 24, 2024
We’re all inclined to push forward one moment, then pull back the next. The Moon in pleasing Libra opposes Chiron before trining Venus, trying to improve our overall outlook. Counteracting that, today’s potent square between can-do Jupiter and make-it-work Saturn at 4:59 pm EST will shove us into a cosmic tug-of-war as we try to figure out how to best pursue our goals. Due to the Moon’s fussy quincunx with unresolved Neptune, it’ll be extra difficult to conclude things properly. All we can do is try!