Daily Horoscope for December 15, 2024

We can speak the truth without complication. The day begins with plenty of potential and a Full Moon in Gemini before the Sun in honest Sagittarius pokes rebellious Uranus in Taurus, setting us all up for something new and unexpected. The Moon will then enter sensitive Cancer for the next few days, but we can all make our way forward with more assurance when Mercury finally turns direct in Sagittarius at 3:56 pm EST. It’s up to us to pave the way toward better communication.

Daily Horoscope for December 14, 2024

The planets are pulling our attention every which way today. The Moon is in mercurial Gemini, magnifying our ability to see both sides of things. We can be very receptive when the Moon trines Venus in Aquarius, though we may get a bit cagey when the Moon then squares Saturn in Pisces. Still, there will be cosmic positivity on offer as the Moon conjoins expansive Jupiter at 1:43 pm EST before locking into a supportive sextile with Chiron in Aries, encouraging emotional catharsis.

Daily Horoscope for December 13, 2024

It’s easy to enjoy ourselves today — as long as we’re honest about our intentions. Mercury is sextiling Venus at 2:45 am EST, which would normally inspire a lovely atmosphere, but with Mercury still retrograde, misunderstandings and miscommunications are all too likely. Meanwhile, the Moon will conjoin change-maker Uranus in Taurus before entering Gemini, where it will oppose Mercury. We’ll have to brace ourselves to get yanked in just about every direction before the end of the day (and a chance to rest) finally arrives.

Daily Horoscope for December 12, 2024

The skies are bubbling with drama and excitement. Alluring Venus in eclectic Aquarius is making a rare opposition to fiery Mars in showy Leo at 5:46 am EST, and they will be sending out sparks and flares at one another all day, giving every one of us something to be excited about. The Moon in Taurus will then sextile stable Saturn, so we can make use of this heady transit. Afterward, a final lunar quincunx to the Sun will remind us to keep an open mind.

Daily Horoscope for December 11, 2024

We would all do well to move at a careful pace. The Moon enters sturdy Taurus at 10:55 am EST, so there’s no need to rush into anything. Luna also forms three tough squares throughout the day, the first two to Pluto and Venus, both in Aquarius, which could leave us feeling like we’re not doing enough, even if we are. The mood will swing in the opposite direction when the Moon lastly squares Mars in Leo, tempting us to act out. Avoid drama!

Daily Horoscope for December 10, 2024

Healing doesn’t always need to be a difficult process. It’s a good time for open communication as the Moon trines messenger Mercury. The real rewards will likely arrive when the Sun trines Chiron at 12:49 pm EST, strengthening our resolve to drop old baggage which no longer serves any positive purpose. The Moon, meanwhile, will motivate us to wear our hearts on our sleeves as it conjoins Chiron before moving into a final trine with the Sun, where it should wrap up everything quite nicely.

Daily Horoscope for December 09, 2024

Today speeds up from one minute to the next. Things start out gently when the Moon in dreamy Pisces conjoins foggy Neptune, but we’ll be pulled right out of that miasma when the Moon jumps into Aries at 8:38 am EST, boosting our energy levels way up. This shouldn’t be hard to handle, thankfully, as a lunar sextile to loving Venus in Aquarius will help things flow smoothly. Plus, one final trine from the Moon to Mars allows us to perform at top capacity!

Daily Horoscope for December 08, 2024

Left, right, up, down — we’re trapped in the center of a game of cosmic tug-of-war today. The Moon in Pisces begins things with a square to chatterbox Mercury in Sagittarius, amping up the excitement, only for it to hit a wall as the Moon then conjoins icy Saturn at 3:43 am EST. We’d better get serious! The Moon will go on to square powerful Jupiter in Gemini and the primal Sun in Sagittarius, making it difficult to settle on any single outcome.

Daily Horoscope for December 07, 2024

Today, life is a conveyor belt, serving you one thing after another! Venus dances into free-thinking Aquarius at 1:13 am EST, bringing a more communal spirit to the world. Right after this, Venus will conjoin Pluto, intensifying our daily interactions, while the Sun in Sagittarius will oppose excitable Jupiter, making just about anything seem possible. Finally, mystical Neptune will turn direct in Pisces, bringing a sense of wonder and magic in its wake. Productivity may not be highlighted, but enjoying ourselves certainly is.

Daily Horoscope for December 06, 2024

Our energy is turning inward. The Moon in Aquarius begins the day by trining excitable Jupiter, making anything seem possible. Things shift, however, when warrior Mars turns retrograde in Leo at 6:33 pm EST. This takes our desires for expression and excitement and mirrors them right back at us. The Moon will encourage a bit of rebellion when it squares change-maker Uranus, though we’ll need to get serious when mental Mercury squares stoic Saturn, putting a premium on playing by the rules.