Fortunately for the 66 workers at the factory, they will be offered transfers to jobs at Ferrera’s five other manufacturing facilities in the Chicago area, the company says.
Category: Lake County News-Sun Opinion
Law & Order column: Lake County Chief Public Defender Joy Gossman retiring
Joy Gossman joined the Public Defender’s Office as an intern in 1987, and began her full-time career there in 1989. She worked in every division of the office, and became head public defender in 2007 after serving 10 years as assistant chief.
Outdoors column: Night walks in the woods offer variety of sights, sounds and ‘jug-a-rum’ calls
Being outdoors at night listening to frogs and owls makes you feel as if you were out in wilderness even when busy streets are nearby.
Column: We are the ‘land of the free’ thanks to Great Lakes sailors on sea duty
They’re not only keeping Americans free and safe to traverse the globe, but ensuring sea lanes are open for other nations to go about the peaceful exchange of goods and trade through freedom of navigation.
Column: Fourth of July is a time for reflection and renewal
This July 4 weekend is not best suited to specific foreign policy discussion, but is particularly appropriate for celebrating and honoring veterans.
Column: Illinois Lottery celebrates 50 years of jackpots
It was in the early ‘70s when Illinois officials were looking for more tax revenue, and in 1974 they settled on a statewide lottery. Lottery profits first were shoveled into the state’s General Revenue Fund. In 1985, the legislature made sure most of the profits went toward school funding.
Law & Order column: Lake County police-response program receives national award, state grant
The Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COaST) was recognized by the National Association of Counties with its Achievement Award. The award recognizes innovative and effective county government programs that strengthen services for residents, the sheriff’s office said.
Column: Atheist Sherman would have sued over Ten Commandments
Some may recall that Buffalo Grove resident Sherman was the bane of Wauconda, Waukegan, Zion and other communities, as he challenged the use of religious symbols in public places.
Column: Just how intelligent is the use of AI?
AI clearly greatly aids routine work, including research, but is no substitute for judgment.
Column: Help Them to Hope fund officially disbands after 65 years
While the end of the annual holiday-time fund drive was announced last Thanksgiving, state and federal laws require action to disband tax-exempt charities. That’s why the Hope Fund’s board of directors met at the Waukegan Park District’s Jack Benny Center for the Performing Arts in Bowen Park to vote to cease operations.