Lorraine D’Alessio discusses her approach to helping Athletes, Models & Entrepreneurs with Legal Advice surrounding immigration and business issues. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-lorraine-dalessio-immigration-and-business-law-expert/ D’Alessio commented that “We proudly serve the technology and entertainment industries by delivering innovative legal and immigration solutions that enable companies to gain competitive advantage through capitalizing on global talent. From individuals and start-up businesses to the world’s most futuristic companies, they support legal and immigration needs. We create a clear path to your goals, and we guide you every step…
Category: Law & Legal
Diverse Representation And Porter Wright Support Black Sports Advisors And Industry Professionals Through 2022 NBA All-Star Brunch February 18
Jaia Thomas, Esq. and Luke Fedlam, Esq. connect Black advisors and sports professionals during NBA All-Star Weekend February 18, along with WarnerMedia and Morgan Stanley Global Sports and Entertainment. The NBA All-Star Brunch is a powerful networking opportunity for Black athletes.
Business Brokers, Intermediaries, and M&A Advisors Discuss The Great Resignation and Selling A Business Today On New Radio Series
Radio Host Mark Imperial to Spotlight Business Intermediaries, M&A Experts, and Business Brokers Regarding Selling a Business in Today’s Post-Pandemic Market.
California Attorney Cheryl Deptowicz-Diaz Reveals Her Philosophy and Core Values for Standing Up for the Underdog on Influencers Radio
Award-winning attorney Cheryl Deptowicz-Diaz was the featured guest on Influencers Radio with Jack Mize.
New Book Featuring Insights From Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys Hits Amazon Best Seller List
Leading Counsel Vol. 2 reached Number One on Amazon.com’s Best Seller List on November 24.
New Book Featuring Spotlights On Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys On Sale Now
Leading Counsel is available now on Amazon with a special flash sale for the Kindle version.
Legal, Law Enforcement, And Venue Operators Call On Bart Whitaker For Solutions After The Houston, TX Astroworld Fest Tragedy
Bart Whitaker has received numerous calls and media interviews asking for his help in identifying what could have been done or what needs to be done to stop this kind of tragedy from happening.
Police Law and Litigation Attorney Muna Busailah Examines The Realities of Defending Those Who Protect Others on Influencers Radio
Muna Busailah, Managing Partner of the Stone Busailah law firm in Pasadena, California, was the featured guest on Influencers Radio with host Jack Mize talking about the realities of defending public safety employees in civil, criminal, and administrative matters.
Dr. Lydie, The World’s Most Sought-After Business Legal Authority Has Been Featured In The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today & The New York Law Journal
Dr. Lydie shares knowledge that has taken her two decades of working on Wall Street & as an NYC Law Professor to empower people to build their businesses & leave the wealth that they create for their loved ones to create inter-generational wealth.
Bestselling Book from Psychotherapist Amy Carpenter Reveals What Parents Need to Know to Help Teens Stay Smart, Strong, and Safe from Sexual Harassment and Assault
While the #MeToo movement has made a significant impact in raising awareness of sexual assault and harassment, experts say more needs to be done to empower those most at risk.