Leading Attorneys Focusing On Elder Law and Estate Planning To Be Featured In New Amazon Book Benefiting Charity Titled Leading Counsel

Publisher and Radio Host Mark Imperial spotlights Attorneys focusing on Elder Law and Estate Planning for a new book titled “Leading Counsel: Spotlights on Top Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys,” benefiting charity.

Neena R. Speer Announces Trademark That Thursdays Summit: Breaking The 1.8% Black In IP Law Ceiling Inaugural Virtual Online Summit

Neena R. Speer Announces Trademark That Thursdays Summit: Breaking The 1.8% Black In IP Law Ceiling Inaugural Virtual Online Summit Neena R. Speer Law Firm, LLC will be hosting a free two-day summit featuring all Black intellectual property (IP) lawyers discussing how to break the 1.8% Black in IP law ceiling and increase diversity in IP law by educating more lawyers interested in becoming IP lawyers with masterclasses led by minority lawyers. The purpose of this summit is to prepare and provide a vehicle for future CLEs in IP. BLACK…

The Addictions Academy Now Offers a New and Unique Professional Prison Reentry Coach Certification and Training Program to Help Recently Released Individuals Successfully Reenter Society

Founder Dr. Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach, announced The Addictions Academy is offering a Nationally Certified Prison Reentry Coach Training Program, preparing individuals to effectively aid those released from prison enter back into society.

Sivonnia DeBarros, a Chicago Lawyer, Founder of SL DeBarros Law Firm, & Protector of Athletes, Announces New Podcast on The Business Innovators Radio Network called “What Are You Sporting About?”

Sivonnia DeBarros is passionate about and represents professional athletes in business through collaborative efforts to educate, support, and guide them by providing the tools they need to create sustainable businesses that will help them secure their future  and leave a legacy that they can be proud of. Her podcast, “What Are You Sporting About?” challenges the pro to make a self-evaluation by owning their own shortcomings, but then dive into ways to create a solution to their problems by finding their purpose in life so they can operate within their…