Mayor Brandon Johnson worked for the Chicago Teachers Union before becoming mayor, and was elected thanks to their political power.
Category: Letters to the Editor
Letters: We must protect the mental health of future generations
X Submit a letter, of no more than 400 words, to the editor here or email
Letters: Chicago regional transit is at risk and so are the economic benefits it brings
The economic benefits created by Chicago’s regional transit are in jeopardy thanks to a state funding formula that is grossly inadequate.
Letters: Are the Bears really a ‘storied franchise?’
The NFL started in 1920, so in 104 years of competition the “storied franchise” has won nine championships. So what is so storied about them?
Letters: The quantum development in South Chicago must include a new lakefront community
The first step in making this a development worthy of occupying land in Chicago’s world-famous lakeshore is designing a mixed-use community.
Letters: Democrats who stood by Joe Biden risked democratic principles
The people with the most accurate and intimate knowledge of the president’s cognitive troubles were also the most vocal deniers of that reality.
Letters: Editorial board goes after CPS teachers. What about other issues?
The editorial mentions that CPS spends $30,000 per pupil but falsely implies that most of that money is going to teacher salaries.
Letters: Final notes of thanks from our readers
The Tribune opinion team’s increased attention on the integrity of our leaders is what I am grateful for this Thanksgiving.
Letters: Among the many things readers are thankful for? The magnificence of trees and animals.
I give thanks for the young maple tree outside my window that waxes gold only on one side when the sun is just rising.
Letters: The Tribune Editorial Board has done a huger disservice to CPS teachers
Teachers are on the front lines in educating and caring for Chicago’s children and shoulder an immense workload that is both intellectual and emotional.