Vickroy: The last birthday gift she gave me has become an emblem of the circle of life

The ring of yellow, red and orange buds is now a symbol of life’s fragility, of how quickly time passes as we age, how short-lived are the flowers, the seasons riding wings of falcons as they speed past. I carefully manipulate the wire hook and hang the silk tulip wreath on my front door. It is immediately cheerful, welcoming, heart-lifting. And it instantly reduces me to tears. 

Decent: When it comes to having vacation adventures, trucks with ladders are not my friends

One good thing about aging is that people expect less from you physically. Whereas it might be frowned upon as a child if you refuse to stand on a chair, it shows a kind of wisdom when you’re over 50. Thse days if anyone sees me holding onto Grumpy for dear life when we walk down a flight of outdoor steps without a banister, they understand I’m just a doddery old woman. Let’s keep it between you and me that I was much the same in my 20s.

Letters to the Editor: Foster embodies the concept of ‘integrity,’ deserves 7th term; Brand and Mary Ann Bobosky lauded for tireless work to city

Foster embodies the concept of ‘integrity,’ deserves 7th term As a Naperville School District 203 language arts teacher for 27 years, I often had the opportunity to help my students understand the meaning of the concept of integrity: You are who you say you are, through and through, undivided, honest. I look for this quality in the people for whom I vote. I am very disappointed in the integrity of Qasim Rashid. He claims to be a candidate without corporate donations and yet his employment history is embedded with large corporations. He served as associate director of admissions at the […]

Vickroy: When you share a birthday with a major metropolitan city, an ode seems in order

Halloo, hallay, from the Bean to Union Station, here comes a day, or citywide celebration. On this March 4, by proclamation of the mayor; Chicago adds a year, while I simply turn grayer. You’re a windy 187, Me, a century-plus less, we have the same birthday, but not the same noblesse.

Decent: Seize the extra day this coming week by ‘leaping’ into a new challenge

This Thursday — Leap Day — only comes around every four years, and as someone with a Feb. 28 birthday I’ve always found the phenomenon particularly interesting.

I’ve lost count of the number of times people have said to me, “It’s lucky you weren’t born in a leap year,” but the reality is I still would have been born on the 28th. If I were born a day later, it would have been March 1 and I bet no one would have said anything.

Letters to the Editor: Recent events in Naperville both heartening, saddening; McBroom list proves migrant supporters are hypocrites; join with us in discussing, trying to change prejudice

Recent events in Naperville both heartening, saddening The League of Women Voters of Naperville was both heartened and saddened by the speakers at the Feb. 6 Naperville City Council meeting, who addressed Councilman Josh McBroom’s recent migrant housing proposal and the recent racially-charged post by a now-resigned member of the city’s Human Rights and Fair Housing Commission. One of the foundational policies of the League of Women Voters is our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy, which articulates a commitment “to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, access and belonging for all people. The League … respects […]