An expansion of the Good Food Purchasing Law would would make it easier for state agencies and facilities to buy from local farmers.
Category: Opinion
The Tribune’s Quotes of the Week quiz for March 29
Think you know what went on in the world of Chicago politics, sports and pop culture this week? Take our quiz and test your knowledge.
Editorial: Aldermen warn Mayor Johnson not to sideline them on his $175 million problem. He should listen.
Aldermen are warning Mayor Johnson not to bypass them in plugging a sudden $175 million budget hole. He should listen.
Carter Popkin: What’s at stake in the Fulbright funding crisis
The impact of a Fulbright grant extends far beyond individual participants. Each grantee serves as a cultural ambassador.
Mike Woodruff: Famous atheist’s pivot doesn’t surprise me as a pastor
Richard Dawkins isn’t embracing faith, but instead acknowledges that much of what’s right about the West depends upon a flourishing church.
David Greising: A better way to achieve ethics reform in Chicago
A city charter could reboot the rules by which a city is governed — which in corruption-ridden Chicago, could be a welcome change.
Rep. Maurice West and Arne Duncan: Illinois must invest in housing support for people exiting prison
Far too many people fail to reenter society after prison because they lack a safe place to sleep and an address to put on an application.
Editorial: Tiffany Henyard soon will be gone, but Dolton is stuck with a wildly overpaid schools boss
School boards need to focus on student success – not administrative enrichment.
Letters: Donald Trump’s administration shows its incompetence with Signal leak
This administration is constantly trying to impress us that it knows best and has all the answers, but its actions show just the opposite.
Letters: President Donald Trump must realize he is bound by law in deportations
Trump asserts the authority to seize people off the street and have them locked up in a foreign prison. This rejects the rule of law.