Daily Horoscope for January 26, 2025

The more we get along, the more we can get done. As the Moon moves into serious Capricorn, we’re filled with a sense of maturity and dedication that supports the process of making long-term decisions. Later, intellectual Mercury works with dreamy Neptune to create a rose-colored mindset, filtering out any ongoing negativity and stress. Finally, balanced Venus supports innovative Uranus at 6:11 pm EST to usher in change that should lastingly improve our lifestyles. Playing well with others is highly recommended.

Daily Horoscope for January 25, 2025

There’s no single path to healing. The sympathetic Moon comforts injured healer Chiron to open us up to recovery, both emotionally and physically. As the Moon then stumbles over perfectionist Venus, we must accept that growth is not a straight line. There will be backslides as well as progress in our paths. Lastly, Venus trines driven Mars at 6:54 pm EST to bring in support and positivity from our loved ones, both motivating us and putting us at ease. There’s nothing we can’t do!