Chaos N’ Cookies Founder Heather Steinker Reveals How Busy Mompreneurs Can Stress Less and Save Time With Simple Systems on Influencers Radio

There are times when just about everyone feels like they may have taken on more than they can handle. With too many plates spinning, it can get to the point where it seems like something’s got to give.

No one knows this more than busy working moms.

On a recent episode of Influencers Radio with Jack Mize, Chaos N’ Cooks founder and CEO Heather Steinker talks about how she is helping busy mompreneurs stress less and save time through helpful tools and systems to increase productivity in their lives. 

Following the crumbs in the chaos is a full-time job. As a busy mom of three, a wife to a traveling hubby, and keeping it weird in Austin, Texas, it’s safe to say that Heather’s life is far from boring. Running a household with three young kids requires a  strategy and a system to keep things moving like a well-oiled machine.

After many moms came to her asking “How do you do it? I swear you have more time in the day than anyone else,” Heather created Chaos n’ Cookies to show them the way by teaching her clients to be more efficient in their homes or running their businesses by working smarter and not harder.

During the interview, Heather broke down the household reference guide that she created called ‘The Family Playbook’, saying, “Running a household is like a business. It costs money to keep it up. Just like in actual business, you have to keep up with the books and budget for your household as well. You have a mortgage and utilities to pay. There’s maintenance. You want to make sure your AC works during the summer and your heat kicks on when it’s cold outside. So why not have that information somewhere to reference?   …When we go out of town, or even just go out to dinner with a friend, and we’re leaving our children, our pets, or someone’s watching your home, you write them a set of instructions, you give them information on where you’re going to be, how they can reach you, who your next-door neighbor is, and maybe they have a key in case of an emergency… Most of the time after you write the lists down you either lose them, throw them away, or things change and you and have to write it again. I made the Family Playbook a 188 page PDF to help you run your home like a well-oiled machine by planning ahead and making it accessible…you can create all the information on your computer, or you can print it out and write it down. There’s financial information in there. My husband runs our finances, and if something were to happen, being proactive is so much less stressful when you’re prepared and have things in place… So this playbook has literally everything from pets to finances to medication.”

In addition to running her coaching business as CNC’s CEO, Heather is a certified coach for a premier virtual fitness and nutrition program helping others feel better while sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Heather gained 10+ years of experience as a Director of Marketing building multiple court reporting companies. Oh, and if she wasn’t busy enough, she maintains her own column called “How-to with Heather” for a local neighborhood magazine, where she teaches her community fun hacks to be more self-sufficient with common household tasks. You can catch her weekly on her Chaos n’ Cookies Podcast, which ranked #80 in Parenting on the USA charts. Heather is helping mompreneurs chip away, one problem at a time.

Listen in as Heather shares inspirational and practical tips from The Family Playbook, her brilliantly creative manual that every household should have on hand.

To listen to the full interview, visit

To learn more about Heather Steinker, visit

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