Chicago man signs plea for drugging, raping girl

A Chicago man could face decades in prison for drugging and raping a preteen girl, then kicking a woman who tried to intervene in one assault, records show.

Christopher Colbert, 36, signed a plea deal filed on May 6 where he admitted to rape, a Level 1 felony, child molesting, a Level 1 felony, and domestic battery, a Level 6 felony. A judge would have to review and accept the plea deal.

His next court hearing is on May 21, where lawyers may consider the plea, or move toward a trial. The plea deal calls for an argued sentence. Documents show he could face between 20 and 92.5 years.

The assaulted woman went to the Dyer police station Nov. 3, 2023, to report a preteen girl’s abuse.

Colbert set up a Ring video system in the child’s room. Video from around 11 p.m. Oct. 22 showed Colbert lying next to the girl in the bed. He sexually assaults the child.

The girl “does not appear to react” or know “what was going on,” according to the affidavit.

When the woman confronted him, Colbert kicked her to the ground. She ran to their bedroom to save the Ring video on her cellphone. He chased her around, held a gun to her head, then went back to the girl’s room.

The child told investigators Colbert had abused her for seven years – including at houses in Hammond and Dyer. He gave her “drugs,” “weed gummies,” and a “sex pill.”

He gave the kids “sleep medicine,” the child said. It made her “dizzy,” and she went “straight to sleep.” He also gave her cocaine in the past, she alleged.

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