Chicago teen gets 125 years in 13-year-old’s Gary slaying in online gang spat

Lake Superior Judge Samuel Cappas sentenced Kriston Barbee Jr. to 125 years Tuesday for gunning down 13-year-old Orie Dodson in Gary after the boy disrespected a dead gang leader over social media.

Barbee, now 18, said he would appeal.

Deputy Prosecutor Tim Brown painted Barbee as a hardened criminal, even as a juvenile, who showed no remorse for the slaying.

Barbee — as gleaned from lyrics in his YouTube rap videos — wanted to kill someone and Dodson gave him the opportunity, Brown said.

Investigators allege that Elijah Porter, Dahvee Brunson and Barbee went “sliding” and shot Dodson dead in front of Power & Light Church, located at 1351 Lincoln St., in Gary on Feb. 15, 2023.

Authorities believe on a two-way Instagram Live video, Dodson was disrespecting Julius “Chop” James IV, 24 — a “revered” and “untouchable” figure in the 49th Avenue Boys gang, according to court records. James was gunned down in Gary on Feb. 11, 2019.

Both Brunson and Porter are still facing a murder charge, plus firearm and criminal gang enhancements, in Dodson’s death.

Porter was sentenced to three years in prison on July 25 under a plea deal in an unrelated federal gun case. His next court date in Dodson’s slaying is Oct. 17. Brunson’s trial is scheduled to start Oct. 28.

Barbee lied on a pre-sentence investigation report, claiming he wasn’t a gang member and never did hard drugs, Brown said. Putting him in prison would likely save him from being killed on the street, Brown said. He asked for 125 years.

Barbee’s defense lawyer Casey McCloskey said recent murder cases were getting “harder and harder” as alleged shooters were “younger and younger.”

Barbee was a “smart young man” who needed the “right guidance.” He asked Cappas for a mitigated sentence, as low as possible.

Barbee spoke briefly, denying his role.

You have “the right to say that,” Cappas said, noting the jury “felt otherwise.”

Several of Barbee’s family attended who were audibly upset after the verdict.

During closing arguments in June, Brown argued Barbee’s role in Dodson’s death was mapped out in cellphone location data that put him at the crime scene, texts, Instagram Live videos and rap lyrics he recorded on gang life.

Porter’s former girlfriend Ladaisha Baker lied on the stand to downplay her knowledge of what happened, Brown said. McCloskey argued prosecutors didn’t have direct evidence, including witnesses who saw what happened.

The day after Dodson’s death, Barbee texted the boy was “Playing GROWN MAN GAMES BABY,” then added “Delete that,” court records show.

During the investigation, the Lake County Prosecutor’s Homicide Task Force was able to uncover substantial evidence of gang-related crimes involving the 49th Avenue Boys including several homicides, drug dealing, illegal firearm possession and sales, and general crimes of violence throughout Lake County.

The task force, consisting of detectives from the Gary Police Department, the Indiana State Police, the Indiana State Excise Police, and the East Chicago Police Department, conducted the investigation, with assistance from the United States Attorney’s Office of the Northern District of Indiana.

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