Column: Aurora rolls out new volunteer program and other changes at animal shelter

If you thought all the controversy last year over Aurora Animal Care and Control meant the shelter was going to the dogs, I’ve got good news.

Or should I say, the city has.

In a recent press release, it was announced the volunteer program, which created plenty of angst after it was discontinued last July, is now ready to roll again.

The news was revealed earlier at the City Council Committee of the Whole meeting, when Aurora Animal Care and Control Manager Kameron DeBoer told its members the shelter is now taking applications for what she described as a vastly improved volunteer program that will include more training, structure, safety and clarification.

And hopefully, I might add, more respect.

At least that’s what the former volunteers are counting on. Many I spoke with after their dismissal were frustrated and angry at the way they were treated, and since then, have met a couple of times with Mayor Richard Irvin who, by all accounts, listened intently to their concerns which, they insist, are all about the welfare of the shelter occupants.

That same sentiment was expressed in the press release by DeBoer, who described the new program as providing  “the highest quality of care for the animals who need us most.”

The plan includes five different specializations, where qualified applicants can receive assignments based on interest, background and level of training. For example, one category requires no experience and is centered around socialization, exercise and enrichment. Another focuses on the shelter cats. A third is for those interested in pet grooming, a fourth spotlights marketing, photography and videography and a fifth tier is for volunteers with backgrounds in animal training and behavior.

Describing the old program as “bare bones,” DeBoer told the Committee of the Whole the animals themselves will be assigned color codes reflecting behavioral or medical needs. After all, a shy dog is going to be handled differently than a happy dog, she pointed out.

All this will be accompanied by a “beefed-up” training program that will include continual education and optional training.

There is already a waiting list of 70 people, she said last week at the meeting, adding that, because the shelter will only be accepting small groups at a time, the onboarding of volunteers will be a slow process.

Which might not be the best of news for previous volunteers who have been anxiously waiting for almost eight months to resume their efforts.

DeBoer assured city officials all former volunteers will receive an email about the new program, but will go through the same process as everyone else who applies.

Two issues of concern to volunteers not addressed by the press release had to do with public access, which became more limited last year when shelter hours were reduced and, after two decades of being allowed in the kennels,  prospective owners could only view photographs of dogs and then request which ones they wanted to meet.

Again, more positive news.

While “we are not quite ready” to announce it, DeBoer told me on Tuesday, expanded shelter hours are coming once “staffing issues are worked out.”

And yes, despite some confusion after she spoke at the Committee of the Whole meeting, the public will now be allowed kennel access to all adoptable dogs again, another issue near and dear to the hearts of these volunteers.

As one long-timer told me, “Their barking in kennels is just their way of saying, ‘Look at me. I could be your new best friend.’” 

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