Column: Waukegan alderman should have apologized for graphic post

For a guy who’s labored in the Democratic trenches in Waukegan for decades, you’d think Keith Turner wouldn’t rely on a Trump-like defense for his tasteless stunt of posting a body part on social media.

With a chance for atonement at the City Council session of June 3, the 6th Ward alderman came out swinging. Instead of a mea culpa during his first public comments on the graphic posting, Turner blamed Mayor Ann Taylor and 8th Ward Ald. Lynn Florian for his current image troubles.

While some have called putting a photo of a severed arm on his “Friends of Keith Turner” mayoral campaign Facebook site last month “disgusting,” the alderman was having none of that. Which is too bad. Real leaders step up and take responsibility for their mistakes.

The posting was a grievous error in judgment, although Turner dodged using those words, as he also sidestepped saying he was sorry. He went on the attack, accusing the mayor and Florian of attempting to, “undermine my campaign for transparency as I seek to become the new mayor of Waukegan.”

The alderman would have been transparent by beginning with issuing an apology. Apparently, that’s not forthcoming in at least the near future.

His “I’m the victim” diatribe didn’t stop his fellow alders from censuring Turner. They voted 6-3 on the censure resolution, which called his questionable posting unauthorized, insensitive and disgraceful, according to reports.

He also had the nerve to vote against the measure. He should have recused himself.

The resolution also questioned his ability to handle sensitive information. That alone should disqualify him from being a mayoral candidate in next year’s city elections.

But all this negativity heaped on him wasn’t his fault. Like a good Trump acolyte, he continued to point the finger at Taylor and Florian before the censure vote.

“I am profoundly disturbed that these public officials would misuse their authority in such a manner, attacking my character and fostering a hostile work environment within the City Council,” Turner stated defiantly in a snippet of video I watched. He issued no apology to the family of the woman whose arm was found May 11 on the city’s Lake Michigan shoreline, nor to the citizens of Waukegan.

Authorities in Illinois and Wisconsin continue to determine if the arm belongs to Milwaukee student Sade Robinson, 19. Other remains of the young woman have been found scattered in the Milwaukee area, and a man who she went out to dinner with has been charged in her disappearance.

During his nearly five-minute non-explanation of why he posted the arm severed at the shoulder, he also didn’t fess up where he got a picture of the body part. Yet, with his posting, it was Turner who first brought up politics.

“Shocking discovery at Waukegan Beach!” Turner’s initial posting, since removed, said. “A severed arm found, but no report or mention from the administration. What’s the story behind this mysterious incident?”

It was an attempt at a “gotcha moment,” one that totally bombed.

Turner, who’s been involved in politics for nearly 25 years, went so far during his City Council broadside to point out: “It is important to note that this post was not made in my capacity of alderman, nor did it involve the use of city resources.” As if that means anything.

What apparently matters most to the alderman is that he sees political enemies “unjustly tarnishing” his reputation. That was accomplished not by anybody but him when he decided to post the gruesome find.

He went on to contend those out to get him have ushered in a “pattern of harassment,” one of maliciousness, spite and ill-will because he is a mayoral candidate, as is Taylor, former Mayor Sam Cunningham and Miguel Rivera. A Trumpian response if ever there was.

“All I wanted was an apology to the people involved,” 2nd Ward Ald. Jose Guzman said before casting his vote in favor of the resolution to censure the alderman, according to Steve Sadin’s account in the June 5 News-Sun. If Turner’s City Council tirade is any indication, Waukeganites will be waiting for some time before he acknowledges he did wrong.

Charles Selle is a former News-Sun reporter, political editor and editor.

Twitter: @sellenews

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