General Daily Insight for March 21, 2025
What we want is currently subject to change. The Moon in Sagittarius is inspiring us to think more broadly than usual, especially as its helpful trine to healing Chiron encourages thinking up unique ways to improve our well-being. On top of that, the Moon’s square to Saturn will remind us of the importance of following our intuition. Meanwhile, retrograde Venus makes a potent sextile to alchemical Pluto at 5:32 pm EDT, potentially inspiring us with fresh desires — ones which deserve proper circumspection.
March 21 – April 19
You can shine among any company today. Alluring Venus in your bold sign is sextiling Pluto in your sociable 11th house, making you a very desirable commodity on the scene. However, Venus is retrograde at the moment, so you’ll want to be careful about skating along just because you can. Other people might find that a bit off-putting! Let other people shine, too — that way, everyone can emerge from this transit without feeling like their natural light was dimmed in any way.
April 20 – May 20
It isn’t easy to know what you want at the moment. Your ruler Venus, currently retrograde in your nebulous 12th house, is causing your usual value system to waver. That impact has extra emphasis as Venus aligns with Pluto in your aspirational 10th house. Brace yourself for any private uncertainty to become public or to impact your goals in other unexpected ways. You may also realize something you thought was meant for you is anything but. Don’t force yourself to follow outdated ideals.
May 21 – June 20
People can draw you out into the world, but make sure you’re following them for the right reasons. A sextile between Venus in your friendly 11th house and Pluto in your expansive 9th house is encouraging you to break down recent barriers, preferably with the help of your social circle. That said, Venus is retrograde, so someone may be acting for their own wrong reasons or otherwise have an ulterior motive. Likewise, Pluto can push you to extremes, so avoid the temptation to go overboard.
June 21 – July 22
Your ambitions can take you far, but beware letting them take you too far. A sextile between Venus in your 10th House of Achievement and Pluto in your 8th House of Shared Resources is stoking your inner fire to achieve more than ever before. This would be fine in theory, but Venus is still retrograde. That makes it difficult to know how much is too much and where to draw the line. Play it safe for now — future you will be grateful.
July 23 – August 22
You may want a bit of extra spice in your life, but don’t pile it on all at once. Unique flavors will be exceedingly tempting with Venus backstepping through your enticing 9th house, but they probably won’t be as delicious as you’d hope! You’re in danger of realizing this a bit too late as Venus sextiles Pluto. Keep reminding yourself that the things which look good from far away can become overwhelming when you’re confronted with them up close. Proceed carefully.
August 23 – September 22
Don’t expect too many results right now. A rare angle between Venus in your transformational 8th house and Pluto in your efficient 6th house is setting you up to aim big, but the problem is that Venus is presently retrograde, making it difficult to benefit from its bounty. You can lay the groundwork necessary for future success and make potential negotiations for future rewards. Just avoid setting things in stone, as the outcomes down the line may look different than you’re envisioning.
September 23 – October 22
Your relationships could feel like a bit of a roller coaster right now. Venus in your partnership-focused 7th house is locking into a supportive sextile with powerhouse Pluto in your light-hearted 5th house, which would normally spell out an exciting day with a plus-one. That doesn’t mean Venus Retrograde won’t throw any wrenches in the works! Perhaps you and an important person can’t seem to get on the same page. Nevertheless, you can find a way to enjoy yourselves if everyone remains flexible.
October 23 – November 21
People may mean well, but that doesn’t always prove useful. There is a positive angle between Venus in your helpful 6th house and Pluto in your sensitive 4th house, but as Venus continues moving in reverse, the efforts of others to “help” could feel more like they’re running interference against you. As someone meddles, they could accidentally push a few of your buttons in the process. Politely set your boundaries, and do not hesitate to take space as you need it.
November 22 – December 21
It won’t be easy to hold anything back right now. Venus in your 5th House of Inspiration is driving you to put yourself out there, and its sextile to Pluto in your 3rd House of Communication will make it easy for you to find your audience. Venus is retrograde at present, so you’ll want to be careful about showing off. Impressing your peers will be tough, and showboating won’t send the message you want to send when all is said and done.
December 22 – January 19
This is a day to save, rather than spend — even though there’s an undeniable desire for pleasure and satisfaction in the air as Venus and Pluto connect across your domestic and financial zones. You may be tempted to throw your money around your house like it’ll replace itself! Normally you can make tasteful improvements with ease, but with Venus currently retrograde, what you splurge on today you will likely regret later on. Avoid setting yourself up for disappointment by keeping your wallet shut.
January 20 – February 18
You can rub people the wrong way if you aren’t careful. A sextile between retrograde Venus in your chatter quadrant and impassioned Pluto in your quirky sign is making it difficult to get your words just right. Pluto can bring out your intensity, for better or for worse. Meanwhile, Venus is asleep at the wheel, so it won’t be bringing its usual pleasing ways to the table in order to help you out. Make an effort to stop yourself from going off on any tangents.
February 19 – March 20
Be careful how you distract yourself today. An angle between Venus and Pluto — with Venus in your financial sector and Pluto in your subconscious sector — is tempting you to throw money at a certain issue. This isn’t bad in theory, but during Venus Retrograde, you need to analyze your motivations. Consider carefully if something will satisfy you in the long run before you start splashing out on indulgences. Purchases that seem like a good idea in the moment probably won’t last.