Daily Horoscope for October 17, 2024

General Daily Insight for October 17, 2024

Everything is illuminated. The Full Moon rises in Aries at 7:26 am EDT, showing us where to be independent, where to be dynamic, and where we’ve already put in hard work. When perfectionist Venus works with transformative Pluto to activate our magnetism and creativity, opportunities to work with others and manifest abundance arise. As Venus dances into explorative Sagittarius, right before the Moon moves into abundant Taurus, we can broaden our horizons and increase our senses of security. It’ll be the best of both worlds!


March 21 – April 19

The progress of friendships that you began in the recent past is coming to light. You may have opened your heart to certain people that you weren’t sure about. At last, you’re beginning to understand them on a deeper level — this can also further your understanding of why you’re drawn to each other. Perhaps opposites really do attract, regardless of which one of you is on which end of the dynamic. Either way, when you learn from each other, you can both go far!


April 20 – May 20

Spiritual practices of yours could be providing results. You might have felt like you were doing internal work that you needed to keep in the dark for a while, but today, you’re in a place to grasp the source of the blessings that you were manifesting. Look where you’ve been putting your consistent efforts for these results — if you haven’t been consistent, then you may notice areas that are calling out for your attention. Listen to whatever is asking for your spiritual attention.


May 21 – June 20

Your dreams may be whispering for you to chase them. You might not have realized that a dream of yours was really progressing toward becoming a reality, especially if you haven’t worked on it in some time. That said, these updates could be happening without your control — perhaps you’ve submitted a resume to your ideal workplace or you put together an entry for an amazing contest. Keep working toward your dreams, even if you can only faintly see what could come of them.


June 21 – July 22

The spotlight may be moments from alighting on you. While you might not always be comfortable under its gaze, sometimes it’s a good feeling to have the people around you recognize you for what you’ve contributed. There is a strong likelihood of you experiencing this group praise at any moment. Instead of trying to deflect or brushing it off, stay humble while accepting any praise that you’re being given for your efforts. They’re your accomplishments! You earned them, so take a bow.


July 23 – August 22

New milestones are right around the corner. Whether you’ve recently been traveling, in a class, or just learning for the love of knowledge, you might realize that you’re a little smarter than you used to be. Someone may start up a conversation that you wouldn’t have been able to have with them if you hadn’t known anything about the topic of interest. This shared knowledge could create a connection that otherwise would have slipped by you without you even knowing. Knowledge is power!


August 23 – September 22

You’re learning to love your intensity. There might be people who have tried to discourage you in the past, but you gave it your best shot anyway — paying attention to your long-term results could do a lot to ward off future naysayers. You’re smart, Virgo, and it isn’t bad to know that! Whether it involves a subject that you’ve thoroughly studied, a project that relies on your vision, or even a team-up that others weren’t sure about, your intuition can be incredibly reliable. Persistence builds wonderful outcomes.


September 23 – October 22

Your bonds are under cosmic review, Libra. Be they links with family members, friends, or significant others, the energy that’s always being shared between you is arriving at an impressive peak. Be aware of how you’re showing up for others versus how they’re showing up for you. Check in on those who may not be reaching out — if it seems that you’re going in different directions, consider the pros and cons of diverting your energy toward other connections in the near future.


October 23 – November 21

Hidden enemies may be making themselves known throughout your day. You may have thought that someone was on your side, but when faced with their reaction to an important matter of yours, you could realize that they weren’t rooting for you like you believed they were. This doesn’t mean that they’re a bad person or that you’ll never be closer. Still, at this time, it might be best to focus on those who will cheer you on when you get a win.


November 22 – December 21

Creative risks that you took may be about to pay off! Maybe you’ve stretched outside of your usual style, in your fashion sense, an artistic hobby, or simply by thinking outside of the box to solve an ongoing issue. Others might commend you on your ability to see beyond the obvious or step outside your comfort zone, while others may all but refuse to understand your vision. Either way, keep being someone that you would like to be, regardless of your audience.


December 22 – January 19

Family matters are rising to the top. It doesn’t matter if your family is chosen or genetic — watch out for any imbalances in these connections making themselves known. Positive relationships with loved ones are likely to yield even better results than usual. That said, if you haven’t been spending time with someone or tension is paining you both, try to stay grounded while in conversation with them and avoid fueling any fires. Being sensitive and compassionate is most likely to bring you harmony.


January 20 – February 18

You might be given an opportunity to express yourself like never before. Perhaps you agreed to do some public speaking, teaching, or performing the other day, and your moment is about to arrive! This is your time to show others that you have done the work — whether you’re entertaining, educational, or both, you have the power to be a bright light in the darkness. Make sure that you know what you’re doing inside and out, then go out there and wow everyone!


February 19 – March 20

How secure you feel right now is likely due to your recent decisions. Reckless spending of your money or time might have cost you, while being diligent, hanging out with good friends, and making smart use of your money and time would land you in a better place. You become more like the people that keep you company most frequently, so it’s a good idea to intentionally be around people you want to be like at present. Do what’s right for future you.

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