Dolton trustees call for outside probe of Mayor Tiffany Henyard, accuse her of misusing village funds

Some Dolton trustees are calling for an outside investigation into Mayor Tiffany Henyard, accusing her of misusing village funds and causing Dolton to be in a multimillion-dollar deficit.

They are asking agencies such as the FBI, U.S. attorney, Cook County sheriff and Cook County state’s attorney step in and investigate Henyard.

Four trustees who are at odds with Henyard — Kiana Belcher, Tammy Brown, Jason House and Brittney Norwood — held a special Village Board meeting Tuesday at a village park district facility.

A crowd of some 100 residents stood and applauded after the resolution calling for the investigation was approved.

“We are taking this stand on the backs of 21,000 people that are being affected by this,” Belcher said following the vote.

Some trustees said the action was needed to save Dolton, and House described it as “a last stand.”

“This was not a measure taken lightly. This is and was a last resort,” House said. “It was something that has been thought through thoroughly.”

The next Village Board meeting is March 4, and it is possible Henyard will override the resolution. If that is the case, House said, the four trustees would vote to override her veto.

The four trustees have previously called special meetings to handle business, such as approving Village Board meeting minutes, because Henyard has blocked them from being taken up at regular meetings.

Henyard did not attend Tuesday’s meeting, nor did two other trustees who are her allies on the board.

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