Business: Tapville Social
Address: 216 S. Washington St., Naperville
Phone/website: 630-536-8739;
Owner/CEO: Joseph Tota, 47, of Lisle
Years in business: Seven
What does your business do? “We’re a full-service restaurant featuring a new American menu. We highlight hand-crafted cocktails and cocktail flights, (that’s) a big part of our business. … A lot of local craft beer. … We have 48 beer taps, 16 wine taps, four champagne taps,” Tota said.
Why did you start this business? “I was a marketing consultant with food and beverage clients. … It’s hard to sample different beers if you’re waiting for somebody to pour it.”
How does this business work? “You check in. We give you a card. It’s called the pour pass. That can be used to pour your own. Slide the card into the slot and it turns on the tap. All the product is sold by the ounce. An added bonus is you can use the card to order food from your table. It makes it easier for customers.”
How do the taps work? “Right below us, there’s a keg room. … When you put the card in, it sends a signal downstairs to open a valve so the beer can flow. There’s a meter that measures the volume.”
All local breweries? “We try to support independent breweries, but we have nationals. I have stuff from Belgium, Germany. … We try to mix it up so people can try different products.”
Any beer you didn’t like? “One had taco spices. It was horrible.”
How many employees do you have? “Thirty-two. It goes up and down seasonally. We have a large patio in the back for summer. … I can serve about 300 people here fully loaded. It’s one of the larger private event spaces in downtown Naperville.”
When are you busy? “This is the slowest time of year. We’re really busy in the summer.”
Why Naperville? “I grew up in Plainfield. I used to come to Naperville. There’s a lot happening downtown. … We thought it would be a good location. Plus, it’s close to home.”
What’s the reaction from first-timers? “People come in here and can’t comprehend the fact you can grab your own drinks. There was a lot of scrutiny, concern from the mayor’s office that people would over-consume. … In reality we know what everyone has consumed, more than a regular bar (does). … After 24 ounces, we stop by, make sure you’re not on the ground.”
What about minors trying to drink? “We require two forms of ID and a credit card (to get the pour pass). We always keep a staff member in line of sight of the tap wall. It hasn’t been a problem.”
What’s the history? “We started franchising about five years ago. This was our first restaurant location. We’re expanded out to 17 states now. We have 38 operating locations. Six more not open yet. … Kiosks and restaurants. … This location helped fuel expansion nationally. It all started here.
“We’ve poured tens of millions of ounces across the brand. The company has done $34 million plus in sales over the years. We have an active campaign on Start Engine. You can buy stock.”
Where was your second location? “In Rosemont at the Fashion Outlet.”
What’s new? “The great news we just received is Entrepreneur magazine rated us the number one self-pour franchise in the country. And we are ranked in the top 500 franchise list for the magazine. We’re number 456.”
Do you offer perks? “We have a loyalty program. As you make purchases, you get points. After a certain amount of points, you earn discounts.”

What about competition? “There are a few self-pour places that have popped up. We’re the leader. … What we compete with more are casual dining restaurants.”
Who comes in here? “About 68 percent of our customers are female. A lot of our marketing appeals more to women. Women who come in here will come back with their husband or boyfriend.”
What’s the pricing? “It’s based on ounce, determined by the style of beer, the brewery. Some international is higher. There’s a price point for everybody.”
Any negatives? “This past year has been tough for a lot of restaurants. Less money in consumers’ pockets. … Five years ago, it was COVID. We were closed, followed the rules, but it was tough.”
What’s your advice for someone starting a business? “It’s not easy when you start a business. … There are ups and downs. But the people who stick to it are the ones who are successful. … It becomes an all-consuming part of your life. … It’s very hard, but it can be very rewarding.”
Steve Metsch is a freelance reporter for the Naperville Sun. If you know of a business you’d like to see profiled in Down to Business, contact him at