Dr Vidhya Creates Immense Success Through Power of Mindset 

Dr Vidhya is a highly successful businesswoman, who coaches eight-figure entrepreneurs, leaders and professionals to help them fulfil their unlimited potential. But that’s not all she does. As well as being a High Performance Success Coach, she is also a General Practitioner for the NHS, a Proctor Gallagher Consultant, a published author, CEO, speaker, and the doting mother to two bubbly baby boys.  

She started out her career in medicine, after she graduated from St Bartholomew’s and The Royal London Medical SchoolWhile working as a GP, she began to notice that most of her patients had issues with mindset that were causing or exacerbating their ailments. Her consultations became more and more like coaching sessions, during which she would help her patients to harness their mind-body connection in order to overcome physical symptoms and personal difficulties.  

This is really where the spark for her business began. She came to realise that, if she could heal her patients by simply altering their mindsets, she could use the same principle to help ambitious entrepreneurs go on to do great things. Since setting up Dr Vidhya, she has guided countless clients towards immense professional and financial success, all by tapping into the power of human potential.  

She serves anyone with the drive necessary to rise to the top of their field, but her true passion is helping women and mothers. The motivation for this comes from her own experiences, where she was expected to not be so ambitious with her career during maternity leave, but she knew that she was capable of being a hands-on mother and a successful entrepreneur, and has since gone on to prove that to all those who told her she couldn’t.  

These days, Dr Vidhya helps women like her – and anyone else who needs i– make quantum leap transformations. Looking back with her clients six months or a year into their coachingit is always awe-inspiring to see how far they have come since they first started.  

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