Elgin News Digest: Carpentersville water bills include dog leasing reminder; petitions for Elgin Community College Board seats available; Dundee Township Rotary Club Fido Fest set for Saturday

Carpentersville water bills include dog leasing reminder

The village of Carpentersville has taken to using water bills to remind residents who are dog owners to keep their pets properly secured.

According to the message, police have noticed an increase in the number of loose dogs roaming around the village, which poses risks to other animals and to residents. Dog owners are required keep their fence gates securely closed, keep their dogs on leashes and keep watch of their pets.

Village Manager John O’Sullivan said the note “was more of a friendly reminder situation than anything else.”

What spurred it were incidents O’Sullivan described as neighbor disputes in which police or village assistance was sought to settle disputes. The incidents appear to have been accidental escapes, and at least one of these resulted in a citation and resolution in the village’s adjudication system, O’Sullivan said.

“It’s not a rampant problem, but because we had a couple of incidents when the warm weather began, we thought we’d ask our residents to be more mindful,” he said.

Petitions for Elgin Community College Board seats available

Petitions for candidates who want to run in the April 2025 election for a seat on the Elgin Community College (District 509) Board are now availabe to be downloaded at elgin.edu/about-ecc/trustees/trustee-elections.

A minimum of 50 signatures from registered voters living in Community College District 509 are required for a candidate’s name to be placed on the ballot. There are two six-year positions open.

A candidates guide can by calling 217-782-4141 or downloaded from www.elections.il.gov.

For more information, contact Diane Kerruish at 847-214-7374 or dkerruish@elgin.edu.

Dundee Township Rotary Club Fido Fest set for Saturday

Dundee Township Rotary Club will be hosting Fido Fest from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24, in Town Center Park, 301 Columbia Lane, Gilberts.

The afternoon will feature an agility set for dogs; crafts and games to do with dogs; contests for best costume, loudest bark and cutest trick; vendors selling pet items; a raffle and a pet adoption area, according to a Facebook post.

Admission is $5. Children age 5 and younger can attend for free.

For more information, call 847-341-7255 or email topher11071991@yaho.com.



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