Elgin News Digest: Early voting for April 1 election underway in Kane County; DUbliNDEE Kilted 5K to be held March 15 in East Dundee

Early voting for April 1 election underway in Kane County

Early voting for the April 1 general election began Friday in Kane County.

Kane County Clerk John Cunningham announced his office began mailing absentee ballots for the on March 7 to about 37,500 voters who submitted applications for permanent vote-by-mail ballots, according to the news release.

Friday is also when early voting began in person at the Kane County clerk’s offices at 719 S. Batavia Ave., Building B, in Geneva, and 5 E. Downer Place, Suite F, in Aurora. Voting hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday from March 7 to March 14.

On March 17, early voting will expand to 25 sites in the county, some of which will have night and weekend availability, the news release said. A complete list of the sites and hours is available at: clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections/Documents/EARLY%20VOTING%20POSTER%20-%20APRIL%202025.pdf.

County residents can sign up to receive notifications of when their ballot was mailed and received by the clerk’s office at votekane.ballottrax.net/voter.

Voters who want to apply for a permanent absentee ballot can fill out an application on paper or online, the release said. Residents who want to apply for an absentee ballot for only the April 1 election should go to clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections/Pages/Vote-by-Mail.aspx.

Mike Danahey / The Courier-News

Members of the Elgin Sharks Track Club were among the 368 participants in the 2023 Dublindee 5K Race/Walk, which this year will be held March 15. (Mike Danahey/The Courier-News)

DUbliNDEE Kilted 5K to be held March 15 in East Dundee

The DUbliNDEE Kilted 5K Race and Fun Walk will take place at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15, starting and finishing at Lifeline Plumbing, Heating & Cooling at 296 Williams Place in East Dundee.

The race is held in advance of East Dundee’s St. Patrick’s Parade, with money raised benefitting the FISH Food Pantry and Friends of the Fox River, according to the event website. The first 400 registrants will receive a logoed kilt and gift bag, along with breakfast and a drink afterward.

Registration is $60 for adults, $25 for anyone ages 6 to 17, and free for children 5 or younger.

Go to runsignup.com/Race/IL/EastDundee/Kilted5K to register and for more information.

West Dundee St. Patrick’s-themed scavenger hunt March 15

The Northern Kane County Chamber of Commerce is hosting a St. Patrick’s Day-themed scavenger hunt at participating businesses throughout West Dundee from 3 to 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15.

Participants can pick up scavenger hunt cards at any participating business, complete the listed activities and turn in their cards for a chance to win prizes, according to the chamber’s Facebook page.

Registration is not required, and there is no fee to participate. For more information and a list of participating businesses, call 847-426-8565 or email info@nkcchamber.com.

Elgin High School PTO’s flea market set for March 16

The Elgin High School Parent-Teacher Association will hold its 50th annual collectibles and crafts flea market from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, March 16, at Elgin High School, 1200 Maroon Drive.

More than 200 booths selling items will be set up, and the event will also feature food, raffles and a bake sale, according to the its Facebook page.

Profits will be given to various student groups, teacher grants, homecoming week, scholarships for graduating seniors and school projects.

Admission is $5 for adults, $2 for students and seniors, and $10 to enter early at 8 a.m.

For more information, go to www.facebook.com/elginhighschoolfleamarket or email ehsfleamarket@gmail.com.

Applications for free Elgin parkway trees due April 15

Elgin homeowners who want a free tree planted on their property’s parkway this spring should apply to the city by Tuesday, April 15.

Tree planting requests are processed in the order they are received and according to the resources available, the city’s website said. Requests will be reviewed by the Elgin Public Works Department and prioritized accordingly.

All trees planted by the city will be fully mulched and watered at the time of installation.

To request a tree planting and to see what types of trees are available, go to elginil.gov/467/Tree-Planting.

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