Elmhurst Memorial Hospital Foundation awards Health Profession Scholarships to teen volunteers

The Elmhurst Memorial Hospital (EMH) Foundation has awarded $6,000 in Teen Volunteer Health Profession Scholarships to three area high school students who volunteer at Endeavor Health Elmhurst Hospital and plan to pursue careers in a health-related field.

According to a news release, each of the recipients received $2,000 through the Foundation’s Teen Volunteer Health Profession Scholarship program. Funds for this year’s scholarships were raised through the Foundation’s annual Reindeer Route Housewalk.

Recipients, their high schools, and planned areas of study/occupation:

John Bobier, Glenbard East (Lombard), Pediatric Dentistry
Julianne Kania, York (Elmhurst), Physical Therapy
Elise Tague, York (Elmhurst), Nursing

Elmhurst Hospital teen volunteers must meet a rigorous set of criteria to qualify for a scholarship, including scholastic achievements, and accumulated hours of volunteer service in the hospital, the release said. Recipients must also have strong performance evaluations from the Volunteer Department, community service, and pursue a career in a health-related field.

For more information about the EMH Foundation and upcoming events, visit www.emhfoundation.org/events or call (331) 221-0388.

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