From devastating diagnosis to health advocate – The journey of Dr. Susan Monias

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At 39 years old, Dr. Susan Monias experienced a life-altering wake-up call that reshaped her entire career and philosophy on health and wellness.

Her transformative journey began abruptly on a seemingly ordinary Monday morning when the chiropractic student and mother of three woke to find the right side of her body completely numb. This marked the beginning of her battle with multiple sclerosis, a central nervous system disease that can lead to permanent disability.

Despite the shock and severity of her diagnosis, Dr. Monias set herself on a path not just of personal recovery but of profound medical advocacy, challenging the conventional narratives around chronic diseases.

A shift from conventional to revolutionary

Initially trained to work within the traditional medical paradigm, Dr. Monias’ diagnosis forced her to reevaluate everything she knew about health and medicine. Faced with a condition that had no guaranteed medical cure and could potentially lead to severe disability, she made a decisive pivot towards holistic and integrative approaches to health management. Her skepticism about conventional treatment options, which often focus on managing symptoms rather than curing the underlying disease, led her to explore alternative therapies.

She probed into functional blood chemistry analysis, a method that evaluates blood markers at a deeper level to uncover the root causes of illness. She says this approach allowed her to understand her body better and tailor a personal health regimen that addressed the specific nuances of her condition.

Educating and empowering others

Dr. Monias’ recovery fueled her determination to empower others with the knowledge she gained from her experience. While on her pursuit of treating MS without conventional pharmaceuticals, she dedicated her life to helping others achieve similar outcomes. Her book, “Believe,” is a memoir packed with insights on overcoming autoimmune diseases through lifestyle changes and systemic detoxification.

Holistic health as a way of life

At the core of Dr. Monias’ philosophy is a staunch belief in the body’s innate ability to heal itself if given the right conditions. This belief steered her away from merely treating symptoms and toward a holistic view of health that incorporates diet, mental health, physical care and emotional well-being.

Her clinics offer alternative therapies and educate patients on how to maintain and enhance their health through nutrition, stress management and preventive practices.

Challenging the status quo

Dr. Monias’ advocacy goes beyond her clinical practice. She is a vocal critic of the traditional medical system’s focus on symptom management and its reluctance to embrace holistic treatment methods. Through speaking engagements, her book and participation in health symposiums, she challenges the prevailing medical doctrines and pushes for a paradigm shift towards more integrative approaches to health and wellness.

An encouragement for the future

Today, Dr. Monias is more than just a survivor of MS. She aims to inspire those who suffer from chronic conditions and feel let down by the conventional medical system. Her message is clear: chronic diseases do not have to be a life sentence. With the right approach, she says, it is possible to manage such diseases and thrive despite them.

Dr. Monias transformed her sudden and frightening diagnosis into an opportunity for personal and public health advocacy. Through her work, she hopes to inspire those with chronic conditions to take charge of their health and advocates for a medical system that supports holistic healing and patient empowerment.

A call to action

Dr. Monias’s story is about overcoming a personal health crisis and challenging and changing the narratives around health and healing. Through resilience, knowledge and hope, she calls for patients and practitioners to explore and embrace alternative paths to health — a testament to the power of

Dr. Monias hopes to offer more than just treatment for those struggling with chronic conditions by providing a new perspective on life and illness. Her clinics, public talks and books aim to provide tools and knowledge for those facing the complexities of chronic illnesses and transforming their lives.

If you or someone you know is battling a chronic condition and feels overwhelmed by conventional approaches, Believe by Dr. Susan Monias may offer the insights and inspiration needed to chart a new course toward healing and health.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions about your medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking advice or treatment because of something you have read here.

The news and editorial staffs of the Chicago Tribune had no role in this post’s preparation.

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