Glencoe looks to add DUI, reckless driving, more to village prosecutors plate

Amid some concerns on how the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office is handling certain traffic cases, Glencoe officials are moving toward enlarging the role of its village prosecutor.

The village is negotiating with the Addis Law Group, a law firm led by Village Prosecutor Wayne Addis to now try DUI, reckless driving and other misdemeanor traffic offenses, according to officials.

ALG’s responsibilities now include prosecutions of village ordinance violations such as building, zoning, property maintenance, business licensing, animal control and parking, according to a memo from Public Safety Director Sean Loughran.

At a July 18 Committee of the Whole meeting, Loughran formally suggested the village expand Addis’s prosecutorial roles for the additional traffic violations. The State’s Attorney’s Office now tries these cases, but Loughran is concern at how that is office is handling them.

“For a myriad of reasons we are not necessarily as satisfied as we could be with the prosecution at that level,” he said at the meeting.

In some situations, he noted cases being tried by entry level attorneys.

“Some mistakes can be made and experience can be lacking,” Loughran said.

Assistant Village Attorney Steward Weiss noted the State’s Attorney’s Office is often understaffed and may not be able to focus on these types of cases.

These cases are heard at the Old Orchard Courthouse in Skokie and that will continue even if the switch is made.

“This is a relatively minor change,” Weiss said. “This is the same courtroom where the cases are being brought.”

State’s Attorney spokeswoman Tandra Simonton responded by saying the office is committed to the pursuit of justice for safer and more equitable communities.

“As in all cases, our Assistant State’s Attorneys handle the prosecution of misdemeanor DUI and reckless driving cases to the full extent of the law based on the facts, and evidence, as we seek the most appropriate resources and resolutions to deter individuals from repeating these serious crimes,” Simonton wrote in an email.

Addis’s firm is currently charging $175 per hour and has proposed a flat retainer of $4,500 per month for both the current and enlarged duties. Loughran believes that change at that price would cost the village an additional $3,000 per month.

After the meeting, Village Manager Phil Kiraly said the staff is now negotiating with ALG over the price structure. He sensed an agreement would be sent to the village board for approval before the end of the year.

ALG would take on the additional responsibilities sometime after January 1, 2025.

If Addis is retained for additional services, village trustees must authorize an update of the village code permitting Glencoe to enforce state traffic laws among some other modifications in procedures.

The Village Board appeared to support the idea, noting there would likely be additional revenue for the village, but adding that is the not goal of the proposed switch.

“We obviously care about the safety of our roads,” Village President Howard Roin said. “Drunk driving is not a joke. We are not interested in doing this as a profit center.”

Other felony arrests, misdemeanor arrests and traffic offenses where jail time is a possibility would remain under the jurisdiction of the States Attorney’s Office.

Addis, a former Cook County State’s Attorney, has been Glencoe’s village prosecutor since September 2015. Besides Glencoe, Addis also serves as the Village Prosecutor for Kenilworth, Morton Grove, Northbrook, Wilmette and Park Ridge.

Daniel I. Dorfman is a freelance reporter with Pioneer Press.

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