Hammond school board member resigns

School City of Hammond Board Trustee President Lisa Miller resigned Monday “effective immediately” because of “continued Board dysfunction,” according to the district.

Miller thanked the students, families, and staff “who have been a bright light throughout difficult times,” SCH Spokeswoman Donna Petraits said in a release. She believes the board’s recent approval of cost-cutting measures and subsequent rising fund balances as “positives” for SCH.

“It has truly been an honor to represent our families,” Miller said in the release.  “I wish the School City of Hammond future success.”

Last November, voters overwhelmingly rejected the continuation of a property tax referendum that would have provided a lifeline for the schools, adding about $15 million for eight years to the district’s budget. In addition, the district faced increased health insurance costs in the past two years because a bargaining agreement capped teachers’ contributions.

As part of a corrective action plan approved by the state, the school board voted to close Lew Wallace, Kenwood, and Morton elementaries and eliminate more than 200 employees.

Trustee Cindy Murphy, who will take over as Board President, said Miller “studied the data and asked the good questions to make sure students were ready for college or whatever was their chosen pathway.”

“She brought a decorum to our Board meetings, and she will be missed,” Murphy said in the release.

Miller was appointed to the Board in 2018, when Trustee Marilyn Jones resigned, and then won a term of her own in 2020, Petraits said. She served as vice president in 2021 and 2022 and in 2023 she became Board President.

The Board has 30 days to select another Board member to replace Miller, Petraits said. Anyone interested in applying should submit a notice in writing to Ana Lopez, executive assistant to the superintendent, at the district offices at 41 Williams St. or online at amlopez@hammond.k12.in.us.

Freelance reporter Carole Carlson contributed. 

Michelle L. Quinn is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune. 

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