Hate symbol found on music stand at Hinsdale Middle School prompts principal’s email to parents

An email from Hinsdale Middle School Principal Cory Burke was sent to parents Friday afternoon after a symbol that appeared to be a swastika was found drawn on a music stand at the school.

This was the second such incident in the past couple of weeks at HMS, as a swastika also was found drawn in a boys bathroom about two weeks ago, Jeffrey Alstadt, Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills Elementary District 181’s director of communications, said Monday.

Alstadt said school officials were made aware of Friday’s incident by a student, who saw the quarter-size swastika drawn on the music stand.

“The good news is that it was reported, but we have told our students how hurtful this symbol is, and it’s not acceptable,” Alstadt said.

“This symbol of hate and intolerance has no place in our community, and I am disappointed by its presence at our school,” Burke wrote in his email to parents. He added that he is taking the incident very seriously and is working diligently to investigate and address the situation.

“As a school community, we continue to focus on acceptance for all,” he wrote.

Burke stated that on May 7 he conducted grade-level assemblies at which he shared a presentation, “Hate Has No Home Here.”

“This assembly focused on identifying types of hateful behavior and empowering our students to speak to a trusted adult if they see or hear examples of hate in our school,” Burke wrote in his message to parents.

“Please note that every educator at HMS is committed to ensuring that we help all of our students embrace this message, We will continue to focus on maintaining an inclusive and compassionate community for all.”

Chuck Fieldman is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.

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