Hinsdale D86 board postpones streamlining registration fees for incoming students

The Hinsdale Township High School District 86 Board of Education decided to push back their decision to approve a single “comprehensive” registration fee for students during their regular action meeting, Thursday, Feb. 22.

The board is considering streamlining the student fees to a once-a-year payment of $475 per student to cover myriad payments including textbooks, course fees, course supplies, academic field trips, student IDs, PE uniforms, graduation, and technology fees.

The delay in the decision was not a result of a lack of willingness on the part of board members to pass the change, but some members felt they did not have the proper time to understand what they would be voting on.

“Each board member needs to be fully informed and comfortable in making a decision in support of our students,” board president Catherine Greenspon said Thursday.

While covering a majority of student charges, the registration fee would not be universal, leaving “activities and athletic participation fees, driver’s education fees, and activity passes” uncovered, according to documents supplied by the District.

Textbooks factor in the largest change to the new system; in the past parents/guardians could purchase textbooks through My Book Store or third-party suppliers, now the schools will supply students with textbooks bought in bulk by the district at the start of each school year.

“I think this is a great idea,” board vice president Peggy James said during Thursday’s meeting. “I think having a simple one fee so that you have the expectations upfront is a great idea, that being said there’s a couple of other activities that I had discussed and I’d like to see if we could fine-tune and incorporate those.”

The board will ultimately decide on the issue during their next regular action meeting on March 7.

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