United States military veterans and their families were invited along with the community to share a meal at The Community Meal in Barrington on Nov. 12, the Tuesday evening after Veterans Day.
Veterans Day was Monday, Nov. 11.
Volunteers served 250 free carry-out or dine-in meals at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church (720 Dundee Ave.).
About veterans, “We’re thankful for the sacrifice of their time,” said Rev. Michael Brown, pastor at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church, “so we get to enjoy our freedoms in the United States and this is a small way that as a community, The Community Meal, and the broader community can come together and say, ‘Thank you.’”
The meal included ham, cheese potatoes, vegetables, fruit, and a dessert table. A frozen meat giveaway was included. There was also music by pianist Cameron Edwards and national anthem soloist Cliff Storzbach of Barrington.
Joyce A. Wright of Lake in the Hills, of Barrington’s Signal Hill Chapter of Illinois DAR, The Daughters of the American Revolution, was among the presenters.
“Anything that we can do at any time to help our veterans, I’m for it,” Wright said.
Boy Scout Troop 21 of Barrington presented the flag colors in a ceremony.

“We have family members that have served and we like to honor them and their fellow vets for the service that they performed for the country,” said Assistant Scoutmaster Jim Dillon of Barrington of Boy Scout Troop 21.
SOUL Harbour Ranch Animal Therapy Program of Barrington provided miniature horses and dogs for emotional therapy support.
Betty, a rescue German shepherd/Corgi mix, was available for meet and greets and handled by Kathy Tabak of Barrington.

“A lot of veterans use dogs for PTSD or other disabilities that they may have,” Tabak said, adding that animal therapy is, “a perfect fit” to assist veterans and people in need of comfort.
“It’s amazing how many people come up, even if it’s just a quick pat of the dog and a quick chat with us, I think that’s important to them,” Tabak said.
“That’s what The Community Meal’s all about is community, people being together, having a meal, spending a little time together.
“It’s really nice,” Tabak said.
Sandy Hasse of Barrington, coordinator for The Community Meal, said, “We all love our veterans, right?
“So we’re doing the right thing.”
Jack Kopecky of Barrington, drafted to serve in the United States Army from 1965 to 1967, was among the diners.

To future veterans, Kopecky said, “It’s a good experience, it teaches to be out on your own, you know, you’re not listening to mom and dad or everybody else for advice, you have to make decisions for yourself.”
Volunteer Mike Valencia of Barrington has an adult child Amanda, 24, currently serving in the United States Army.
Valencia said, “Amanda, we thank you, we honor you for all the commitments you have made to this country.
“Amanda is in my heart every day, 24/7.”

The Community Meal has a calendar of free meals in local counties including Lake County. The next meal which also celebrates veterans will be at Immanuel Lutheran Church on Nov. 21 in Palatine at 200 N. Plum Grove Road from 5 to 6:15 p.m.
This meal will include chicken popper bowls with mashed potatoes, corn, gravy, biscuits, fresh fruit, and desserts.
LCC Kare-9 Comfort Dogs will offer meet and greets and Troop 355 will perform the flag ceremony. A pop-up food pantry will be on site.
Visit https://www.thecommunitymeal.org.
Karie Angell Luc is a freelancer for Pioneer Press.