In Morton Grove home invasion, suspects stole jewelry as woman napped

On April 20, a woman in the 9200 block of Marmora, Morton Grove, returned from visiting a relative and lay down in the living room about 9 pm for a nap, waking about an hour later to find the front door open, lights on and her house ransacked, according to a Morton Grove police report.

Police checked the home and found a damaged back door frame, indicating forced entry, according to the report.

The resident immediately identified several items as missing, including a security box with bank statements, cemetery documents and passports; a Japanese jewelry box with jewelry inside and a wedding ring, the report said. She was unsure at the time whether other items might be missing.

Police also noted that at about 10:40 p.m., a supicious vehicle was reported in the 8200 block of Menard Avenue. They are investigating.



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