Ivey wins Gary council caucus

Saturday morning’s caucus to replace what hopes to be the City of Gary’s last open administrative seat has given the women on the council the majority for the first time since 1999.

After four rounds of voting, the Gary Precinct Organization chose newcomer Marian Ivey for its vacant At-Large Council seat during the caucus at Calumet Township Multipurpose Center. Ivey, 43, replaces Ron Brewer Jr., who joined the Lake County Council after Clorius Lay died in February.

Ivey, who’s worked at the Lake County Government Center in various offices her entire career, credited her parents, Janis and Darryl Redmond, with instilling in her the drive for public service. She started out working for the late Rudy Clay when he was a County Commissioner and hit the ground running, she said.

“He told me that if I was going to be in his office, I was to learn everything in that office,” she said. “I’ve been (at the Government Center) for 23 years, and I’ve gained experience with everyone I’ve worked with.

“I’m a woman of my word, and I will listen to the people. I want a safer, cleaner, well-lit city.”

Of the 48 eligible precinct committee people in the organization, 42 of them turned out to vote, Lake County Democratic Chairman Jim Wieser said. During the first round of voting, Ivey received 14 votes while opponents David Fossett received 11, Myles Tolliver eight, Colin McCullough seven and Robert Buggs Sr. two. A sixth candidate, Roosevelt Dixon, was a no-show.

During the second round in which only 41 of the votes counted because one person turned in a blank ballot, Ivey received 15 votes, Fossett received 13, Tolliver received seven and McCullough received six. Ivey then received 17 votes to Fossett’s 16 and Tolliver’s eight in the third round — again with only 41 votes counting because someone voted for a candidate no longer eligible, Wieser said.

Ivey ultimately received 22 votes to Fossett’s 20 in the fourth round.

Saturday’s caucus ends a long string of caucuses to replace various positions. Brewer replaced Lay, who was preceded in death by Calumet Township Assessor Cozey Weatherspoon, who also died unexpectedly in February. Former Calumet Township Assessor Jackie Collins won that seat.

In 2023, former State Sen. Eddie Melton was elected Mayor of Gary, prompting his resignation from the Senate. Former Hobart Councilman David Vinzant, who was not in office at the time of the caucus, filled the Senate seat.

Former Council President William Godwin, D-1st, resigned his seat to take a job in Washington D.C. after losing to Mark Spencer and Brewer in the May 2023 primary for the council’s two at-large seats. Spencer went on to win the seat last fall.

Current Gary Councilwoman Lori Latham, D-1st, was selected by caucus in early 2023 to replace Lay as one of city’s at-large council members after he was elected to serve on the Lake County Council in November 2022. She was then seated by caucus in September to fill the 1st District seat after Godwin resigned from the council.

Current Gary Councilman Mark Spencer, D-At Large, was seated by caucus in October, a couple of months before he would have been seated after winning the spot in the November general election.

Post-Tribune reporter Carrie Napoleon contributed. 

Michelle L. Quinn is a freelance reporter for the Post-Tribune. 

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