LOS ANGELES — Jennifer Lopez has an engagement ring on her finger, and Ben Affleck may be the one who put it there.”So, I have a really exciting and special story to share,” a giggling Lopez said in a video posted Friday on her Twitter feed. She said more could be found on the website for her “inner circle,” OnTheJLo.com, which requires visitors to sign up.A video posted there showed an emotional Lopez gazing at the left-hand ring, which held a large green gem that matched her tank top.Lopez’s representatives declined to confirm an engagement, directing inquiries to the actor-singer’s online post. A representative for Affleck didn’t respond to a request for comment Saturday.Lopez and Affleck rekindled their romance 17 years after they broke off their engagement in 2004. The pair, who met making the 2003 movie “Gigli,” had moved on to other marriages and divorce before going public with their reunion last year.
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