Large and showy amaryllis takes time to grow

I made an impulse purchase of an amaryllis bulb while out Christmas shopping and could use some tips on how to grow it.

— Sharon Polinsky, Grayslake

I have had great success growing amaryllis at home — the flowers are large and dramatic, which is a big bonus for the winter months. The hybrid amaryllis (Hippeastrum) is a tender bulb with large, showy flowers that is easily grown indoors in a container. Most amaryllis are Dutch or African hybrids selected for flower size, color and ease of forcing. The usual flowering season is from February to April. Choose a standard-size flowerpot so that the large bulb has approximately 1 to 2 inches around the sides and at the bottom. These bulbs do not need much space for their roots. Use a well-drained potting mix to plant the bulbs and position the bulb so the top third or so of the bulb sticks up out of the soil. The final level of the growing medium should be approximately 1/2 inch below the rim of the pot to facilitate watering. Your container should have a hole in the bottom for drainage. There is no need to put a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot.

Place the container where the temperature remains above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The warmer the temperature (with 70 to 75 degrees for day and night being ideal), the faster the bulb will begin growing. Providing bottom heat by setting the pot on a propagation mat or on the top of a refrigerator may help stimulate growth. Water the bulb thoroughly after planting so that water comes out of the bottom of the container and then water only when the top inch or so of the potting mix is dry to the touch. It is better to err on the side of watering less frequently until roots have developed, as watering too much can cause the bulb to rot. If the pot is covered with Spanish moss, lift the moss and pour water directly on the growing medium.

You will generally see growth begin in two to six weeks, with flowers developing in another six to eight weeks. Certain varieties of amaryllis may take more time to sprout. I had a slow starter once that I nearly gave up on. As long as your bulb remains firm, be patient and be careful not to overwater. Once the bulb sprouts, it is important to move it to a bright location such as a south-facing window with lots of sunlight. An application of a balanced fertilizer at intervals of 10 to 14 days is helpful after the new growth has emerged. Rotate the pot every two to three days to prevent the flower stalks from leaning toward the light. The flower stalks may also require support to keep them from toppling over.

For more plant advice, contact the Plant Information Service at the Chicago Botanic Garden at Tim Johnson is senior director of horticulture at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

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