Law & Order column: Lincolnshire man tried to get young girl to perform sex act, police say

A Lincolnshire area man was arrested after police said he tried to have a child perform a sex act on him at a Labor Day pool party.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office said they arrested Benedicto M. Aviles, 60, of the 15300 block of West Apple Orchard Lane, and charged him with indecent solicitation of a child and attempted predatory criminal sex assault of a child.

Authorities said Aviles was at a pool party in the Mundelein area on Sept. 2 when he showed pornographic videos to a young girl. He then suggested the girl perform a sex act demonstrated in the video.

The incident was interrupted, though, when the child’s mother called out for her when she didn’t see the child in the pool. After Aviles left, the child relayed what happened to her mother, who reported it to the police.

Detectives were able to find Aviles and arrest him Tuesday, police said.

Boat rescue

Police and Coast Guard personnel were able to locate and aid a man who was threatening to harm himself in a boat floating in Lake Michigan.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office said it received word early Wednesday that the man was in a boat about three miles off the Illinois-Wisconsin border. Sheriff’s deputies launched their marine patrol boat, and worked with Winthrop Harbor Fire Department personnel and those from the Coast Guard and Kenosha County, Wisconsin.

They were able to locate and rescue the man, whose boat was partially capsized, police said.

Award winner

Lake County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ari Briskman has been named the Brian McMillen Award winner by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, in recognition of Briskman’s history of promoting safe roads and arresting impaired drivers.

The honor is named for an Illinois state trooper who was killed in 2007 by a drunk driver as he responded to a call.

Briskman throughout his career has been a leader in making DUI arrests, the sheriff’s office said. He currently is the commander of the marine unit, and also works as commander on the technical crash team, among his other duties.

He is also considered an expert in drug recognition and an instructor for field sobriety testing.

Open house

The Zion Fire and Rescue Department will host an open house at Fire Station 1 on Oct. 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Visitors will get an up-close look at fire equipment, and will have a chance to interact with firefighters. There will also be demonstrations and giveaways.

The fire station is located at 1303 27th St.

Drug bust

A Buffalo Grove man was arrested on charges that he manufactured the drug ecstasy, and that he had a large quantity of marijuana.

Zans Batjuks, 33, of the 400 block of Castlewood Lane, was charged with four felony drug counts after police executed a search warrant at his home Wednesday.

Police seized more than 315 grams of MDMA, which is known as ecstasy, 5,200 grams of marijuana, along with pills and cocaine, authorities said.

The investigation was conducted by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Group, which includes officers from several departments around the county, along with cooperating federal law enforcement agencies.

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