To the editor:
Regarding the News for DuPage County “Referendum draft proposes bringing Forest Preserve District back under Board control” by George Wiebe, Thursday, April 18, 2024: the Forest Preserve District has done a superb job removing the Graue Mill Dam and improving the surrounding property. The invasive and non-native trees and plants will be replaced with native oak and hickory trees. What a beautiful renovation we citizens of DuPage County will enjoy.
It is obvious that the current control by the Forest Preserve District has engendered a magnificent restoration of Salt Creek. Returning the control back to the County Board would end up in the inaction that the prior decades demonstrated; as major changes require the collective unison of each board member’s “point of view”. And we all know that “too many cooks spoil the broth”.
Also, the Graue Mill wheel hasn’t been powered by the river in decades. The water wheel is powered by an electric motor, which still works.
Barbara L Collins, MS
Oak Brook