Letter to the Editor

Thanks for Help Them To Hope grants

We are so grateful to be a recipient of a Help Them To Hope grant again this year. Mothers Trust Foundation has been the recipient of 15 HTTH grants over the years.

The needs facing low-income children and families living in Lake County have never been greater. MTF saw an increase of 41% in our requests for assistance in 2023. When families are struggling to pay rent and purchase food, they aren’t necessarily thinking about anything extra that may benefit their children. This grant helped MTF fund 552 children to attend summer camp, and 281 children to play a sport or learn a musical instrument.

In 2023, over 3,500 children were impacted by MTF grants and programs which, in addition to summer camp and incentive opportunities, include clothing, safe baby items, education expenses, medical expenses as well as stable housing assistance.

Thank you, Help Them To Hope, for your generous support over the years. We hope that the baton will be picked up and this wonderful grant will continue as the needs in our community are many. Help Them To Hope has impacted countless children and families through the grants given to Lake County non-profits over the past 65 years. Thanks to all who have supported this wonderful effort over the years.

Paula Turelli, executive director, Mothers Trust Foundation

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