Letter to the Editor

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Tree decision was right

The Oct. 16 article with the headline beginning — Highland Park rejects Highlands sidewalk proposal after heated debate — was accurate. However, the balance of the headline — “The council voted in favor of some trees over children’s lives” — is misleading and inaccurate.

Does the reader understand that was a statement made by a citizen in favor of sidewalks? The Highland Park City Council did not choose trees over children. Rather, it chose not to move forward with installing sidewalks.

The city conducted two speed studies on University Avenue in the last two years. These studies confirmed that University Avenue is not unlike most streets in our neighborhood. Although one cannot account for how people may feel regarding their safety, this objective data from the speed studies, and the opinion expressed by Highland Park Officer Brian Soldano, indicate there is no safety issue.

Why risk losing so many trees for no reason? The City Council made the correct decision.

Marla Portman, Highland Park

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