Letters: Congress needs to stop abdicating its responsibility and address immigration in good faith

The local Republican Party claims that the Kane County Board is classifying Kane County as a “sanctuary county.” The concerns the Republicans have expressed include fear of rampant crime, a failure to obey the Constitution and a desire not to spend taxpayers’ dollars on migrants. But the sanctuary status of Kane County has been around for seven years since then-Republican Kane County Chairman Chris Lauzen was in office.

For seven years, those voices have been silent — until now. Signed by then-Gov. Bruce Rauner in 2017, the Trust Act prohibits the enforcement of federal immigration laws by a law enforcement agency or its agent who may not stop, arrest or detain a person solely on an individual’s citizenship or immigration status. This measure was supported by Illinois businesses, faith-based congregations and ethnic-based community organizations, as well as law enforcement agencies and labor unions. The Trust Act enabled Illinois to join other states that had enacted similar legislation.

Republicans and Democrats both recognize that the southern border is in crisis. Seeking a solution to resolve the deluge of humanity arriving at the border, the U.S. House Republican Caucus refused to call a negotiated bipartisan funding package that included money to support an effective immigration policy. This bill, developed in a bipartisan effort over four months, attempted to finally address and develop policy for real immigration reform.

Shortly before the language of the bill was released, House Republican leadership put politics before the needs of the American people. Presidential candidate and presumptive leader of the Republican Party Donald Trump urged Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson to oppose the inclusion of the immigration language. Trump wanted to put the safety of Americans aside to use the crisis at the southern border as a wedge issue for his presidential campaign.

The responsibility of resolving the immigration issue is that of the federal government, not the cities, counties, and states, and yet House Republicans refused to act. We are left to pick up the pieces.

Kane County is recognized as one of the most beautiful counties in Illinois and consists of people who care about their communities and show genuine compassion for others. But the hearts and wallets of these kind individuals can give only so much.

It is up to members of Congress to step beyond politics, do their job and solve this issue. The citizens of Kane County are counting on them.

— Corinne M. Pierog, chairman, Kane County Board

Legal and illegal immigration

Regarding Linda Johnson’s letter on Sunday (“Immigrants benefit communities”), she never distinguishes between legal and illegal immigration. I firmly believe legal immigration adds many positives to our country. Illegal immigration unfortunately adds a drain to our economy. In many instances, migrants claim persecution in their original countries. They should of course be heard and granted asylum when it’s merited.

I think there is a big difference between the two that Johnson fails to differentiate.

— Lynne Barscewski, Glen Ellyn

Message on Statue of Liberty

It now seems like immigration is going to be the big issue in our upcoming election.

We should remember that our country was founded by immigrants. Did the Native Americans stop these poor souls from reaching our shores by building walls or water obstacles? Of course not. So why should we do so now?

Our history shows that we have accepted immigrants for centuries when the going got tough in their homelands. My ancestors arrived from Eastern Europe to avoid the pogroms. It takes guts for an immigrant to pack up from the only country they have known and come to a foreign country, let alone learn a new language. All immigrants bring their cultures, foods and talents to our land.

We need to realize that the migrants from Venezuela have been admitted to the country legally, and we should accept them. We need to help them until their immigration status is decided. We should remember what is written on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

— Cary Riske, Grayslake

Dehumanizing characterization

I found it disgusting in Nikki Haley’s op-ed (“We have a country to save,” March 1) that she equates immigrants with criminals. She writes that “the southern border is flooded by immigrants, drug runners and terrorists.”

She’s the daughter of immigrants. Or maybe she’s forgotten.

— Teri Tappen Zandi, Park Forest

Pension amendment question

I was very glad to see the recent David Greising column “Pritzker’s willingness to tackle pension problem is a breakthrough” (March 1) and that the pension issue is getting the attention it needs.

I have been following the Illinois pension issue for years and can never find an answer to the question of why, even though attempts have been made, this can’t be placed on a ballot for a constitutional amendment to change the section that says that benefits may not “be diminished.”

— Mary Peterson, Riverside

Determining Sox’s proper home

Build the White Sox a better-situated local ballpark to host a more competitive team, and their problems will be over. So the contemporary thinking runs. But there’s another issue that needs addressing — can and will Chicago support two major league clubs? It works for New York and Los Angeles, but they’re roughly twice our population. A dual setup failed years ago in St. Louis and Philadelphia, both of which saw its younger American League franchises relocate to other cities in the 1950s.

Which class applies to Chicago with the Cubs and Sox today? That’s a question we need to answer before taxpayers approve any new metro Chicago construction, and I think the way to do it would be to have Wrigley Field host both the Cubs and Sox to enable further research. This wouldn’t be an unprecedented arrangement, as such was the case in both St. Louis Sportsman’s Park and Philadelphia Shibe Park. Dual housekeeping saved all concerned the expense of constructing a white elephant before the Browns and Athletics respectively left for greener pastures out of state.

We can follow that cost-effective line too. If the Sox start winning again and minting money from a North Side base, everybody can think about a new stadium. If as in 2005, they win and still don’t draw, they can consider leaving town. Either way, it’s the most logical approach for the team and local taxpayers alike.

— Tom Gregg, Niles

Delivery person a faithful friend

One of the main reasons I have not canceled my newspaper subscriptions is my newspaper delivery person — Corinne Pazzali. Over the many years (at least 20), she has faithfully delivered the Tribune, no matter what the weather! Just like the postman.

I first met Corinne one morning while she was delivering my paper at 5:30 a.m. Now occasionally, if I am up, I will wait for the paper just to get a chance to say good morning and thank you. I consider her one of my best and faithful friends.

One of the few joys of retirement life is getting up in the morning and reading the paper while drinking coffee, and Corinne makes that possible. She, like all newspaper delivery people, has one of the hardest jobs, so be sure to thank them.

— James Samuel, Plainfield

Carrier hasn’t missed a day

My wife and I wish to recognize Dave Murdock, who has been our delivery person for more than two years and has not missed a day. He is so dedicated and leaves our newspaper conveniently at our garage door so it’s so easy to pick up. Thank you to Dave for his dedication.

— Frances and Dan Lacey, LaGrange Highlands

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