Letters to the Editor: Egypt and Jordan need to do the right thing by helping the Palestinians

Egypt and Jordan need to do the right thing by helping the Palestinians

Given that more than 90% of Egyptians and Jordanians are Muslim, the United Nations and other world organizations should tell Egypt and Jordan to put their politics aside and open their gates to let their God-fearing Muslim sisters and brothers from Palestine into their countries on temporary visas until the war in Gaza comes to an end.

This will definitely ease what is happening in Gaza at present. Temporary visas will allow Egypt and Jordan to know where those people are residing and can help them relocate back to their homeland upon the restructuring of Gaza.

It seems as though what Egypt and Jordan are doing right now is antisemitic by not helping the Palestinians and thus putting pressure on Israel to implement a 100% ceasefire.

The Palestinian people should not have to suffer for what Hamas did to Israel in October 2023 so the world needs to put pressure on Egypt and Jordan to step up to the plate as the right thing to do. This is a common sense solution to save Palestinian lives.

Steven P. Collins, Naperville

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