Letters to the Editor: Here are a few of the things that are really bothering me

Here are a few of the things that are really bothering me

While walking the dog today I found myself exercising my mind as well and making a mental list of things I find most aggravating, including…

1) Climate change deniers: How can anyone not see that the earth is burning up due to the excessive use of fossil fuels? Do they really believe it’s purely coincidental that rainstorms have gotten more intense, tornados more frequent and the weather more unpredictable?

2) Reality show believers: Who in their right mind believes that reality shows are totally unscripted and that the lead characters are that obnoxious when safely away from TV cameras? And where do they find these people anyway? Is it somebody’s job to go to bars at closing time and sober up future contestants long enough to appear on “Big Brother”? I thought so.

3) ‘Infallible’ founders: It’s about time that all Americans come to agree that our founding fathers aren’t nearly as smart as we were taught in grade school. What’s more, our Constitution has more loopholes than pants purchased at a big man’s shop. For example, why do Supreme Court justices enjoy lifetime appointments and a convicted felon can still be president? Why do gun owners have more protected rights than a woman’s body? Why wasn’t slavery banned with the formation of our republic and why weren’t females allowed to vote until 1920?

So, that is what’s bothering me today and like our climate, it doesn’t figure to get better anytime soon.

Bob Ory, Elgin

Township supervisor, others commended for Flag Day event

I would like to extend my thanks to Ken Bruderle, Elgin Township supervisor, for his assistance with Flag Day celebration on June 14. He publicized the event, arranged transportation for the senior citizens and even included chairs for seating.

The Elks Club did a great job of recalling the history of the flag and how it came to be. It was a reminder that the American flag is more than a just piece of cloth.

It was a windy day but the young Explorer Scouts were there to hold the flags steady. Good training for future adult citizens.

Kay Graffis, Elgin

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