Letters to the Editor: Many questions unanswered about Elgin’s tent city

Many questions unanswered about Elgin’s tent city

I have been following the stories about the fires at tent city in Elgin. I read that the city of Elgin set aside $2.5 million to remove and clean up the homeless encampment and relocate its residents to a hotel for the rest of the winter.

What I am not reading and am very interested in is the history of tent city. I have questions, like what was there in the past on that property? Who owns the land now? How and when did and did tent city get started? Why did the city turn a blind eye to it and the living conditions there?

There are many, many questions that I think your readers would like answers to because $2.5 million is not a drop in the bucket.

Kenneth Labuda, Elgin

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