McBroom’s ‘misogynistic’ comments shouldn’t be tolerated
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines misogyny as “hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women,” and Psych Central in an article published Aug. 9, 2022, notes that “chauvinism stems from a sense that males are superior to females and belief women are naturally weaker, less intelligent, or otherwise less able in some capacity compared to men.” Someone with chauvinistic beliefs may still enjoy being around women and may act protectively toward them out of the belief that they need someone to provide for them.
Comments akin to those in a recent op-ed column by Naperville City Council Josh McBroom might be construed as perpetuating these deep held beliefs. Some men, such as our current president, feel too comfortable using abusive language and behavior whenever they feel their power being usurped by a woman.
Commentary surrounding body shaming of women on the Naperville Park Board with which McBroom publicly agreed led to a discussion of ethics and respect as well as a code of conduct to which our public officials should be adhering. This behavior was appropriately called out by some women on the district board.
Now, McBroom is publicly using his council position to complain about several well-qualified female candidates running for the city council and park board, including those who called him out for his park board comments. I completely believe in private citizen exercising their First Amendment right but why should we accept the blatant public use of someone’s position as a member of our citizen-funded government to continue perpetuating a “good ole boy”-type mentality against female candidates from another party?
The answer is we should not!
When misogynists claim comments were not intended to be against women or that they didn’t mean to hurt anyone, it is not up for them to decide. Women are the only ones who can determine the effects of such language. We must never dismiss this as locker room talk, as boys will be boys, as woke or any other excuse.
The irony is this all started with a lawsuit regarding mask mandates filed by the Naperville Park Board against Gov. Pritzker during COVID. The complaints were about government overreach to control our bodies, notably by nonscientists. Perhaps some should look at the ongoing assault on women’s bodies and rights without equivalent laws against men before they start these types of conversations.
Laura Welch, Naperville
President, Illinois NOW; Member, NOW National Board of Directors
Questions raised over some council candidates’ actions
We are just days away from electing our municipal leaders to office. As you make your choices, we thought you might wish to consider the following about four individuals running for our Naperville City Council.
During a recent League of Women Voters of Naperville online forum, Jennifer Bruzan Taylor characterized herself as the one her fellow council members go to for “fact-checking.” We found that statement to be rather shocking based upon the things she said in 2019 to discredit the opt-in movement for cannabis dispensaries in Naperville.
She stated before the Naperville City Council that she believe opt-in supporters had keyed her car, stolen her signs and spray-painted the houses of supporters, all of which proved to be untrue after a simple call the next day to the Naperville Police Department. So, a “fact-checker”? Hardly.
And then there is Derek McDaniel, whose incorrect assembling of his nomination packet for 2023 city council race resulted in a circuit court judge bouncing him from the ballot, and whose campaign yard sign size and placement have been questioned in this race. Should he be approving policies and ordinances for the rest of us? Don’t think so.
And, briefly, Meghna Bansal’s family ties to the MAGA Trump movement are very well known in our community, a community that overwhelmingly rejected Trump’s candidacy in 2020 and again in 2024. On Nov. 6, 2024, Krishna Bansal, her husband, posted the following on Facebook: “Our President Donald J. Trump! We are so blessed!”
And rounding out the foursome is Nag Jaiswal who, at the recent LWV forum, pronounced affordable housing “a burden on the taxpayers” and whose councili nomination packet this year barely survived the numerous objections raised.
With the exception of Nag Jaiswal, all of these candidates are endorsed by Safe Suburbs, the Richard Uihlein-financed, far-right PAC.
Elections matter, now more than ever!
Dianne McGuire and Paulette Goodman, Naperville
No reason students need to have phones with them in class
I don’t see the problem with the proposed legislation that would ban students from having cell phones in the classroom. It used to be customary to prohibit phones and radios in classrooms unless for instructional purposes. You had to keep them in your locker. You could only use them between classes, at lunch or in study hall. No biggie. If your parents had to contact you in an emergency, they would call the school. Why did that change? There was no reason to.
Bill Voda, Warrenville

Gibson’s park board tenure makes her ideal for council
Committed, tireless, qualified. These are qualities I want in a Naperville City Council member, and Mary Gibson has them all.
Mary is a dedicated public servant and Naperville’s current park board president, a position her fellow commissioners unanimously elected her to for three consecutive years. She is a Naperville Riverwalk Commiss member, serving as park district liaison. Mary’s community involvement includes being a Naperville’s Community Emergency Response Team member and Naperville Citizen Police and Citizen Fire academies graduate, which give her insight into front line responders’ needs.
Mary is conscientious and tenacious. As park board resident, she helps deliver high-quality services and facilities to residents while keeping cost increases under the rate of inflation in the annual $50-plus million budget and still earning top resident satisfaction scores.
Under her leadership, the park district has flourished, creating new programs, enhancing green spaces, investing in lower cost EV assets and pursuing shoreline restoration to name a few. Mary is a reliable steward of district resources, never neglects her duties and includes all perspectives to arrive at the best decisions.
Mary is qualified. With a background in data analytics focused on mitigating risk and a solid educational foundation, Mary brings significant knowledge to council. On top of her master’s degree, she also has certificates in public policy and civic leadership from the London School of Economics and Northern Illinois University.
Mary and her husband chose Naperville to raise their three children because she believes it is the best city in America. She is running for Naperville City Council to tackle issues ranging from the IMEA energy contract to everyday services to keep Naperville topping “best of” lists.
She will use data to make tough decisions and will work tirelessly for the whole community, not just those who vote for her. Mary deserves your vote on or before April 1!
Lynn Gosselin, Naperville

These are the reasons Ashfaq Syed deserves your vote
When Naperville residents go to the polls, we have an opportunity to elect a proven leader, Ashfaq Syed, to the Naperville City Council.
In 2019, after I was appointed by Mayor Steve Chirico as chairman of the 2020 U.S. Census Naperville Complete Count Committee, I asked Ashfaq to chair the communications and social media efforts. With millions of federal dollars at stake, Ashfaq developed a “best in country” campaign that resulted in Naperville being recognized as the No. 1 City in America for Self Responses.
Without Ashfaq’s leadership and persistence, these results would not have been realized.
It was a remarkable achievement while the country suffered through the COVID-19 epidemic. Ashfaq was recognized by the Naperville City Council with a Proclamation of Appreciation for his efforts.
Ashfaq has continued to drive positive results as the president of Naperville Public Library Board, as a board member for Loaves & Fishes, as a committee member for 360 Youth Services, where he helps our youth meet today’s challenges.
He has served on the Indian Prairie School District 204 Citizens Task Force, the Naperville Neighbors United Board, promoting unity and collaboration among residents, and the 2020 U.S. Census Committee, of which he was as co-chair.
As a graduate of the Naperville Citizens police academy and fire academy, Ashfaq knows the challenges that Naperville’s first responders encounter daily to keep our residents safe.
With over 28 years in finance and banking, Ashfaq understands financial management and is committed to fiscal responsibility and economic sustainability for Naperville.
Ashfaq is a proven leader and a person who is guided by the belief that when residents come together, great results will be achieved.
I support Ashfaq Syed for Naperville City Council.
Mark R. Rice, Naperville

Bruzan-Taylor’s brings important attributes to council
I would like the voters in Naperville to consider the following attributes that Jennifer Bruzan-Taylor has exhibited for the benefit of everyone during her term on the Naperville City Council:
- She makes decisions based on what is best for our community as a whole;
- She is a former prosecutor who understands public safety;
- She has worked to build and strengthen our community;
- She has an extensive knowledge base about our city and the issues it is facing;
- She is non-partisan. In the past four years, she has built a reputation for being responsive to residents and business owners.
Naperville is facing numerous challenges in our near and long-term future. Let’s re-elect a solid, qualified candidate who exhibits honesty and integrity.
John Tralewski, Naperville
Everyone gets an opinion when it’s legitimate journalism
In response to J. McDonald’s March 19 letter regarding his disappointment with the Naperville Sun for publishing David McGrath’s March 5 column “If there’s a revolution against Trump, count me in”, I find it ridiculous that he questions why such an “inflammatory article of questionable accuracy” was allowed to go to press.
He should be grateful that his inflammatory letter of questionable accuracy was also allowed to go to press. That’s the way it’s supposed to work within legitimate journalism.
Don Orchard, Naperville
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