Letters to the Editor: Nothing like seeing where you live through another’s eyes; Burnidge Forest Preserve looks like ‘battlefield’ thanks to pruning

Nothing like seeing where you live through another’s eyes

I was charmed by Hilary Decent’s June 9 column on her daughter-in-law’s first visit to Chicago and Naperville. Seeing things through the eyes of a visitor makes the reader see them anew.

I’m also glad her family saw examples of Americans in a positive light. I know the images people in other countries have about Americans isn’t particularly favorable.

I have been to Hilary’s native London a couple of times for very short visits and I would go again in a heartbeat. The people I met were lovely. Many years ago, I had to leave my visit to England and Ireland unexpectedly, and I promised myself that I would go back to the United Kingdom someday.

I have yet to keep that promise, but your column reminded me that I have delightful places to visit in my own back yard.

Betsy Oswald, Elgin

Burnidge Forest Preserve looks like ‘battlefield’ thanks to pruning

I’ve written several times about Burnidge Forest Preserve in unincorporated Elgin. Over the years it has been my favorite place to walk the family dog. Tall oaks and walnut trees shaded the bike path and even in the heat of summer, it was a very pleasant setting for a leisurely stroll.

But recently a task force has laid waste to the once heavily wooded landscape, leaving behind only a trace of the fabulous scenery. Worst of all, they failed to cut up the downed trees and now the scattered refuge more closely resembles a battlefield than a forest.

Maybe their excessive pruning was needed to allow for more sunlight but in so doing, they’ve also removed a sense of serenity that may never be recaptured.

Bob Ory, Elgin

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