Lincolnwood hires Madeline Farrell as assistant village manager

After losing its assistant village manager to a neighboring suburb, the village of Lincolnwood has hired a former Northbrook local government official from a pool of 55 applicants, according to the village.

Lincolnwood named Madeline Farrell as its next assistant village manager following the departure of Chuck Meyer, who recently became Morton Grove’s village administrator.

Farrell’s work experience encompasses both the private and public
sectors, according to the village of Lincolnwood. She served as deputy village manager in Northbrook for more than six and a half years. Her education includes a master of public affairs with a concentration in public finance administration and policy analysis and a bachelor of science, both from Indiana University.

Ms. Farrell has municipal experience in negotiating and maintaining municipal-wide
services, capital financial planning, project management and municipal
communications, the village said.

“I am excited to join the Village of Lincolnwood’s leadership team,” Farrell said. “I understand and appreciate the competing factors that must be considered when making decisions in the family-oriented Lincolnwood. My commitment to serving others will allow me to engage quickly, and I look forward to hitting the ground running.”

Village Manager Anne Marie Gaura, who led the search, said, “Madeline is
an extremely talented professional who will immediately be able to contribute to village operations.

Lincolnwood Mayor Jesal Patel commented, “We are confident that she (Farrell) will make an immediate positive impact on our community. Madeline grew up in a nearby suburb and is a graduate of Niles West High School, so she is already familiar with what makes Lincolnwood unique and distinct from the rest of the
Chicagoland area.”

Farrell started the position on Aug. 26.

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