Munster arson case likely to be dismissed after suspect dies, records show

A Munster arson case is likely to be dismissed after lawyers said the suspect has since died, records show.

Wayne Gralewski, 36, of Hammond, signed a plea deal on July 8 for Level 6 felony arson. He faced up to 2.5 years in prison after admitting he set two cars on fire at his mother’s condo’s underground garage. He also pleaded to a separate cocaine possession case.

A status hearing for the arson is scheduled in October. Prosecutors filed to dismiss the cocaine case Tuesday.

Munster Police and firefighters responded on Jan. 8 to the 8400 block of Manor Avenue. A Mercedes and a Chevrolet Traverse were burning, court records show.

A security video showed a man in a dark fur-lined coat walking to the Mercedes. Police wrote he appeared to have his head down to shield his face from the security cameras. Then, the video showed a gasoline container on fire and a separate fire starting between the vehicles. The man kicks the gas can, spreading the fire, then runs out the door.

Police found Gralewski in a condominium in the building.

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