Naperville News Digest: Naperville North science bowl team advances to national competition; D203 hikes substitute teacher wages for 2024-25 school year; Naperville Junior Woman’s Club holding Hoppy Easter event

Naperville North science bowl team advances to national contest

The Naperville District 203 School Board on Tuesday recognized members of the Naperville North High School Science Bowl team, which won their 8th consecutive state championship earlier this month.

The team consists of Andrew Tang, Yikai Liu, Claire Chen, Michelle Xiang and Adi Bawiskar.

Naperville North beat teams from William Fremd High School, Stevenson High School, Illinois Math and Science Academy and Naperville District 204’s Neuqua Valley High School to earn the state championship and a chance to compete in Washington, D.C., at the National Science Bowl, the nation’s largest science competition.

The Energy Department created the National Science Bowl in 1991 to encourage students to excel in mathematics and science and pursue careers in these fields.

D203 hikes substitute teacher wages for 2024-25 school year

The Naperville District 203 School Board raised the pay rate for substitute teachers at its meeting this past week.

Effective for the 2024-25 school year, the rate will go from $125 per day to $130 per day to help ensure the district has substitutes are available when schools need them.

Board member Amanda McMillen said she would like to revisit the issue a few months into the school year to see if the increase has an impact on filling vacancies.

“I would really like to have an assessment and keep a close pulse on this,” she said.

Bob Ross, D203’s chief human resources officer, said the board has been receptive to changes that may need to be made in the middle of the school year to boost the district’s substitute rate. One mid-year initiative previously taken by the board was to pay retired teachers at a higher rate.

“We are filling subs better than we were, the best we’ve had for several years,” he said. “It’s not where we’d like it yet. We want to be able to have an excellent high quality sub every single time without having to tap existing teachers to leave their lunch period or leave a plan period to come and cover a class. That’s still happening too much, but it’s better than it was and it’s improving.”

Other pay rates approved Tuesday include $1 per hour increases for crossing guards, seasonal custodians, print shop summer help and district student employees as the district responds to the state’s growing minimum wage.

All increases in pay will cost about $139,615, according to district documents.

Naperville Junior Woman’s Club holding Hoppy Easter event

The Naperville Junior Woman’s Club will host its annual Hoppy Easter event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 23, at Safety Town, 1320 Aurora Ave.

Tickets are $15 per family in advance and $20 at the door. Families are also asked to bring one nonperishable food item per person to donate to Loaves & Fishes.

The event features local vendors, a bunny trail, an “I Spy” adventure, a goody bag with plastic eggs and a photo opportunity with the Easter Bunny. Juniorettes will be selling Easter Bunny ears for $2 each.

To register, go to

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