Oak Brook officials preparing for first Celebration of International Cultures at Central Park on Sept. 21

Oak Brook Village and Park District officials are gearing up for the village’s first Celebration of International Cultures, which is scheduled from 2 to 5 p.m. Sept. 21 at the Park District’s new amphitheater in Central Park North, Jorie Boulevard and Kensington Road.

The free event coincides with the United Nations International Day of Peace, also known as World Peace Day, and is replacing the Park District’s annual Autumn Fest.

“It’s a great opportunity to bring the community together in such a positive and inclusive way,” said Lara Suleiman, a member of the Oak Brook Park Board and the Steering Committee that organized the Celebration of International Cultures. “This event allows us to meet our neighbors, learn from them and hear their unique stories and background.

“I believe our Oak Brook community is like a Cultural Mosaic — a beautiful and delicate arrangement of distinct cultural pieces that create a cohesive whole and our collective identity. This is a great opportunity to showcase and build awareness of our diversity to residents and non-residents.”

Village President Larry Herman believes the event is a great idea for the village.

‘I’m all about trying to have everyone come together in a very diverse community like Oak Brook,” he said. “When you understand each other better, you can come together better.”

Planning for the Celebration of International Cultures has been ongoing since last year by the Steering Committee, which is made up of Village and Park District representatives.

“I love that this celebration is lead by the Oak Brook residents,” said Village Clerk Netasha Scarpiniti, who also is on the Steering Committee along with Suleiman and fellow Park Board member Mario Vescovi, Kaarina Lebrun and Gabby Wood of the Oak Brook Community Engagement Committee, and Village Board member Suresh Reddy.

“Oak Brook International Cultural Day celebrations foster a sense of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, creating a platform where diverse cultures come together in unity,” Reddy said. “By promoting peace and harmony, these events encourage understanding and respect for different traditions and ways of life.”

The Celebration of International Cultures will have a variety of offerings, including live entertainment, cultural exhibits, and food vendors with a wide variety of options.
Nine countries will be represented at the event: Greece, India, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria and the United States.

“Each of these countries has several Oak Brook resident volunteers, who spearheaded obtaining entertainment and food vendors from their countries/cultures as well as deciding how they will showcase the cultures from their countries,” Scarpiniti said. “We will have a diverse selection of food vendors that I hope participants will try. I am hoping that friends and family members will purchase food from different vendors and then share the food so that everyone can try a variety of delicious ethnic foods.”

Scarpiniti said the food vendors are excited about sharing their cuisine with those who come to the Celebration of International Cultures.

“I hope this will be an annual event and that we will be able to have more countries represented each year,” Scarpiniti said.

Chuck Fieldman is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.

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