Oak Brook seeks volunteers to join Emergency Services Disaster Agency program

Oak Brook is seeking volunteers for its new Emergency Services Disaster Agency Volunteer program.

Participants will receive specialized training to assist in the preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation of disasters. Support will be provided to first responders in both crisis situations and during large-scale Village events.

Village President Larry Herman came up with the idea for the program in January at a Village staff session, and it was unanimously approved by the Village Board and officially created a month later.

“We have so many well-qualified and eager residents that would ideally fill this role, including many medical professionals,” Herman said. “Recruiting local volunteers for the public good in case of an emergency prepares us for the unknown and builds stronger bonds between our residents and first responders.”

Village Manager Greg Summers said the program is important to the Village because it helps prepare Oak Brook for various emergencies and natural disasters, such as floods and severe storms as well as man-made incidents, such as hazardous material spills and accidents.

“It is in place to provide efficient support to our first responders and will expand our capacity to help residents in a crisis,” he said, adding that volunteers’ support at large events, such as Taste of Oak Brook will help ensure the safety and well-being of residents and visitors to Oak Brook.

Program volunteers work in collaboration with the village’s existing emergency management structures, which include police, fire, public works, and Village staff.

“ESDA volunteers increase the Village’s capacity to respond to emergencies efficiently and effectively by assisting with tasks, such as traffic control, communication support, shelter management, weather spotting, crowd management, first aid and community outreach,” Summers said. “These tactics allow our first responders to focus on critical operations. The program fosters a sense of community ownership and empowerment by promoting active participation in the safeguarding of our village.”

While the program is only a few months old, Summers already has been impressed with the results.

“The dedication and time donated by our ESDA volunteers has already made a meaningful contribution to the Village of Oak Brook,” he said. “Whether it is supporting our first responders at the Taste of Oak Brook or training to acquire new skills for a potential emergency, the commitment they have shown has been impressive. I am excited about what is to come for our ESDA chapter and encourage residents that may be interested in joining to sign up.”

One of the early volunteers in the program is Donald Ziemann, who also has been impressed.

“I highly recommend joining ESDA to anyone looking to give back and improve their basic first aid, CPR, and severe weather training,” he said. “It is a great feeling to make an impact in your local community and help support fellow residents and our first responders. Being a part of ESDA has made me feel more aligned with my community and strengthened my connections to others in the village I call home.”

Summers said the program is an ongoing community service opportunity, and volunteers can choose to participate in organized events or be available to respond to a Village request when there is a need.

He said there are four initial volunteers in the program, who have just begun the training, which has included traffic control and crowd management, weather spotter training, radio use and etiquette, and first aid and will also include FEMA-required National Incident Management  System Training.

“(We) anticipate this will grow to several dozen (volunteers), based on what we know from other communities,” Summers said. “We ask potential volunteers to commit to completing our training protocols and then participants have the option to support us as it fits our needs and their schedules.”

Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and hold a current Illinois driver’s license as well as commit to the application process.
More information about the program and information to sign up to be a volunteer is available online at www.oak-brook.org/815/Emergency-Services-Disaster-Agency-ESDA.

Chuck Fieldman is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.

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